It’s a pretty common misunderstanding to believe that hooking up and happiness go hand in hand. In fact, it can often be the opposite. You’d definitely be forgiven for thinking that having casual sex is all about pleasure. That must mean it’s good for you. It feels good and releases plenty of endorphins into your system. It turns out that there are two things to consider when you talk about hooking up. One of them seems reasonably good. The other, not so much. It really all comes down to how you’re hooking up in the first place. That has a much bigger impact on your overall mental health than you’d think.
First, let’s talk about the good. Sex is fun. Of course, it is. We’re hardwired to try to have it as much as we can. This is especially true of males. Men need to spread their seed, and they tend to have a good time doing it. Younger men use sex as a status symbol. High schoolers who have had sex rise to the top of the pecking order. College students feel pride in their conquests. One more notch on the bedpost is a reason to puff out your chest and stand proud among our peers.
Although about 18.6% of college males have had casual sex, it turns out that they’re also prone to higher levels of depression and lower levels of self-esteem. The same goes for 7.4% of college females who enjoy hooking up. There’s a reason for this that almost never strikes you in the heat of the moment.
Hookups, in general, tend to happen in an alcoholic haze. Drinking is almost always a part of the hookup process. Men and women go out to parties and have more fun than they were initially planning. They could also go out with the express purpose of hooking up and feel less than fulfilled after it happens. Substance plays a huge role in casual sex, and the decisions that you make under its influence are almost never good.
So, does this mean that you should never hook up? No, not at all. It just means that you’ll be happier if you do it while you’re sober. If you can make the decision to participate in casual sex without being under the influence, you’ll know what you’re getting yourself into. You’ll also be much more present for it. Being able actually to enjoy the encounter and remember it later leads to higher levels of satisfaction.
The best way to go about your hookups is to have your wits about you and to vet your partner carefully. You never want to feel like you have to pick someone out of the group just because you happen to be in it. That’s where the internet comes in. Hook up sites like which exist to help you. You’ll be able to see tons of potential partners and talk to them. The best part is that people are only on the site to hook up. It’s not a drunken, spur of the moment decision that you can regret later.
It’s a more reasoned approach to hooking up and will let you experience the best parts of it without the drawbacks. A free sex meet account gives you the freedom to explore your sexuality without feeling the shame of waking up next to someone who you’d never want to talk to otherwise. There’s nothing wrong with hooking up. You just have to make sure you do it the right way. It’s better for you and your sex life as a whole.