Having a small waist and hourglass figure is every woman’s dream. Seeing the likes of Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé, and even Marilyn Monroe having an hourglass figure has definitely been a trend that’s stuck. However, getting that image can be difficult if you don’t put in the correct steps towards a slimmer waist. With these few tips and tricks, you can achieve the body you want in a natural, enjoyable and sustainable way.

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Waist Trainers and the Correct Exercise
Just like with losing weight, having a healthy exercise routine is key to getting that slimmer waist. One of the most effective ways of getting a small waist during your daily exercise is by using waist trainers. When incorporating them into your routine, losing weight around your waist will become a lot easier. And, whilst doing so, it’ll shape your body into having an hourglass figure. Click here for more information.
Along with the waist trainer, looking into adding body core exercises like sit ups, crunches and planks, as well as regular cardio to your workouts. Set yourself allocated time throughout the week, whether that’s at home or in the gym, and you will soon be able to see the results.

Source: Medibank.com
Watching What You Eat and Drink
Weight loss is generally 75% diet, so having a healthy balanced diet is very important if you want to lose weight around your waist. Just by swapping fatty, salty foods with fruits and vegetables, your calorie intake will drop, resulting in you losing weight effectively and healthily. Taking time in looking into your current diet can help you identify what types of foods you are currently eating and seeing what alternatives you can use to help with weight loss. Carefully make sure your protein level intake is high and that you are getting all the right vitamins and minerals through your diet and preferably not through supplements.

Source: StyleCraze
Fashion Tips
You can also compliment your waist through illusion if you combine the right clothing and accessories to show off your figure. Just by following simple tips like wearing A-line dresses, high-waisted jeans and oversized waist belts, you can help draw attention towards the slimmest parts of your body, highlighting your waist in a positive way. A fantastic and popular item of clothing is, of course, shapewear underwear. This is designed to suck you in, in all the right places, and give you a smaller silhouette while hiding any imperfections.
Achieving a smaller waist does take time and persistence, but in time you will start to see the results. With the right tools and support, you will hopefully remain motivated. Whether it’s setting yourself exercise goals every day, or trying out new recipes in your diet, make sure your motivation is driven from within for long term success. When we start to look good, we tend to feel great too and by taking some tips and tricks into account you can become a much healthier person in the process.