There is a saying – “A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break ice with it.” It is absolutely true that one of the first things people notice on others is their smile. Some would argue that not everyone can have perfectly aligned teeth, and that’s okay. Still, this doesn’t mean that you can neglect oral hygiene and the overall health of your pearls.
A lot of people believe that brushing is enough, but unfortunately, they are wrong. So many things can affect your teeth’s health, and in this article, we are going to provide you with some tips that will help you ensure their well-being.
1. Brushing is essential
We cannot write an article about tips on oral hygiene and not start with brushing. Not only is it the most straightforward task that you have to complete, but it is also an essential one. After all, it is the first thing that every parent teaches their child regarding oral hygiene.
Still, a lot of people forget how important it is to brush teeth at least twice a day. It is the only thing that you can do to keep them clean and pearly white. In addition, the technique you use is also very significant. The general advice is to position your toothbrush at a 45 degrees angle so that it touches both the teeth and the gums. You should go with the up and down movement, but be careful when it comes to the pressure. If you were to put too much of it, you run the risk of irritating the gums and causing them to bleed or, on the other hand, if you don’t use enough, the brushing can be ineffective.
2. Beverages can leave stains
This is something that you are undoubtedly familiar with. Certain beverages like coffee and red wine can leave nasty stains on your teeth over time. These are the main reason why your teeth lose that beautiful sparkle and become dull. Naturally, you can’t wholly avoid consuming these, but you should keep it at the minimum. You can use one trick when it comes to drinking beverages that can cause discoloration – a straw. It is quite useful when it comes to preventing any damage.
On the other hand, some beverages are very beneficial for your teeth. Obviously, water is the most essential one, and it is also vital for your entire body. Besides, it is also another method that you can use to clean the teeth and prevent decay. Another drink is milk. It will significantly improve your pearl’s quality and health since it increases the strength of the enamel.
3. Avoid sugar
Sugar is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to tooth decay and cavities. Do you know how people say to their kids that the candies will rot their teeth? Well, this is entirely true, so you should try to avoid them too. Instead, opt for a healthy snack, like a fruit salad, a smoothie, or a freshly squeezed juice. Once again, we are not saying that you can’t eat sugar ever again, just make sure to brush your teeth after you are done thoroughly.
4. Smoking is also a no-no
Just like sugar and the above-mentioned beverages, smoking is very harmful and can endanger your oral hygiene. We are not only talking about the fact that it will turn your teeth yellow, but it can also cause pockets in your gums, which, as you can assume, can lead to tooth loss.
5. Choose the products wisely
Nowadays, the market is flooded with teeth whitening and brushing products, so choosing the right one can be challenging. As you have probably noticed, each of these items is created for a specific use, so the first thing you have to do is to identify the problem you face.
If you are not willing to give up coffee, you should always use whitening toothpaste and washes. If there is a small stain that you cannot prevent, no matter how thoroughly you brush, you should try out the gel pen. In addition, you can always opt for laser whitening, and our advice is to always do it in your dentist’s office. Yes, there are multiple products that you can use at home, but this is one of those tasks that a professional should always perform.
When it comes to toothbrushes, a lot of people opt for electric ones. It has been proven that these are more effective, meaning that they remove more plaque and ensure the health of the gums. Still, if you want to continue with the traditional ones, you have to choose the ones with soft fibers. Brushes with medium and hard fiber can cause the gums to recede and also damage the enamel of the teeth.
If you need help to choose these products, you should always contact professionals. Don’t forget to ask your dentist for tips next time you seem them, or you can visit and learn some of them online.
6. Change your diet
It isn’t really surprising that this tip is on our list, right? After all, a healthy diet is of crucial importance for your entire body. One of the best ways to increase the health of your teeth is to boost your calcium intake, which is why you should always opt for food that is rich in it.
Moreover, apples are great for strengthening and cleaning your pearls, even though they contain a lot of natural sugar, which is why you should brush after eating them. In addition, strawberries are considered to be a natural whitener.
7. Regular check-ups
Many people make a dentist appointment only after noticing some problems. If you are one of those who believe that there is no need to go to the dentist’s office if you don’t feel pain or haven’t noticed any changes, you are wrong.
It is crucial to go to the dentist at least twice a year, even when you haven’t experienced any issues. A professional will clean and polish your teeth, examine you, and provide you with advice regarding your oral hygiene routine if they notice any problems that could occur in the future.