Whether we admit it or not, e-commerce businesses have taken over the business world as we know it. Traditional retailers are still present but the vast majority of brands have turned completely online and that is for a good reason. But what is e-commerce anyway? Is it something so simple as selling items over the internet? The answer is no. E-commerce is actually a collection of concepts that are modern and help becoming successful in a fast-paced environment whether it’s economy, finance or fashion or all that combined; And some of the concepts or models are business to business, consumer to consumer business to consumer and vice versa. This means that they are the reason why every possible item, service or product that comes to our mind, can be easily found and bought on many of the websites available. That being said, the best way to describe the impact that e-commerce has had on society is by saying that e-commerce revolutionized the way we do business, the entire economy as well as the process of marketing selling purchasing (on the customers’ side) and acquiring supplies manufacturing, shipping – in other words, every aspect of building the brand and then keeping it active and successful over a long period of time.
However, just like everything else that is surviving in a fast-paced environment, the e-commerce model of business needs to constantly be updated, improved and modified in order to be adequate for the needs of the modern society, whether you’re a consumer or you are a manufacturer. This means that all the tools that are available and the ones that are still not (but could be invented) can be extremely helpful when you are on a complicated journey such as being a business owner, especially an e-commerce business owner.

Source: Entrepreneur
But what is e-commerce anyway? Are there any definitions? According to many sources, e-commerce could be defined as the electronic sale of goods and services, using the technology sources such as the Internet, and this process also includes methods of payment that are also conducted online, or via the Internet. Considering the fact that this type of shopping has become the new normal for us, we don’t even think about all the differences it has brought. Still, the differences are evident, and they clearly show that this system is allowing its users to almost completely erase geographic boundaries and other limits, expanding the market in which they can offer their goods and services. Compared to the traditional approach where retailers and other service providers were able to do the majority of their business locally, this is a fantastic innovation that has helped the world to connect in new and amazing ways.
But the problem is, every new phenomenon has its own pros and cons. The main problem with e-commerce is the fact that this has become an extremely competitive system. There are thousands, even millions of brands and businesses worldwide, and it is hard to keep up with everything that happens, and it most certainly happens fast. New ideas come to the realization, new marketing tools are being tested and used, providing enormous amounts of success, teams of experts are being hired to give their best in every part of the process – in this environment, the main question is: how to stand out?
The answer is simple – it’s possible to stand out, if you’re an e-commerce owner. But you have to do it smart. There are certain ways to scale up your business, and you should take advantage of all of them, with no exception. In order to do that, you first need to explore all the amazing options that are available. In other words, doing your research is the number one thing you should do if you want to find great ways to scale up your business. This article could be helpful if you are searching for valuable information. Let’s dig into it.
1. Builder.Ai

Source: YouTube
Every business needs a website – it’s more than understandable. But even though this is the essential step of the process, the first thing you need to do – you also need to make sure that your website stands out from the crowd, that your website is visually appealing, and that it offers the right information for your current and future customers. It also has to be fast, optimised for all the devices and simply put – it has to be breathtaking. All of this usually takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to do. However, with an amazing tool such as builder.ai, you will be able to get a website that looks professional and works perfectly. Isn’t that something we all want?
2. UpCounsel

Source: Legal Yaar
When you run an e-commerce business, one of the most important aspects are legal aspects. Your business needs to be completely aligned with laws and regulations of your country and this is why you will spend a lot of time working with lawyers, and you will probably be extremely concerned about the law, so this is a fantastic platform that will help you to find the great lawyer (or lawyers) that will fit your needs and help you throughout the process.
3. Yotpo

Source: Yotpo
What is the first thing you go to check out on someone’s website? Most likely those are testimonials. The importance of testimonials cannot be emphasized enough. Generally speaking, customer reviews are a crucial Factor every business’ success, and e-commerce business success is no exception. This is why paying some extra attention to customer reviews is fantastic for your e-commerce business. This platform is an amazing choice that allows you to get reviews from your customers and use them to become more credible, more visible online and finally to boost sales.
4. Canva

Source: Glorify
We all know that Canva is the new Photoshop. But that’s not the only thing that is good about this program. This platform actually allows you to make professional photos campaigns, newsletters, even social media posts in just a few minutes with hundreds of templates available. Your complete visual marketing will be fantastic. On the other hand, using Adobe or learning how to use it can easily be an overwhelming task and it also takes much more time. Finally, considering the fact that social media are even more powerful than your website, using Canva to boost your social media is a fantastic way to engage your audience and draw their attention.