The times we are living is a call for the best physical looks at any given moment. Unfortunately, a lot of people judge others by what they wear and how pretty they are, and that is wrong. But, it is how mass works, and it isn’t something we can have an effect on. You can either care or not. Anyways, exactly because of this, or their personal thinkings, people want to better their looks – and the most popular way of doing so is the plastic surgery.
Now, a lot of money is going around this area, and people don’t mind how expensive something is when they are determined to do it. Let’s be honest, though there are man implanting muscles, women are still far ahead when it comes to the plastic surgery demands. From nose and cheeks interventions to breast enlargements, there are all kinds of possible plastic surgeries. Imagine that 2 million people only in the USA underwent a serious aesthetic intervention in the past year. That is quite a number. And although plastic surgeries seem like quite a routine (though it is nowhere close) what can happen when the same go wrong? Plastic surgery is now the most popular in the world. People are taking this service at any time for their physical changes. It is really a good and very high medical procedure going on. Besides is also providing Butt Lifting surgery procedure.
The Risks Of A Plastic Surgery
 Taking a look at the Gilmore Health list of plastic surgery complications we can see quite a bit of the botched surgery examples that certain celebrities went through. But, before we talk a bit about the real cases let’s see what can go wrong in theory:
1. It is surely one of the most common and not pleasant at all cases. Especially with facelifting and breast enlargement, it happens once a pocket fills with blood and appears as a bruise. This can usually be solved by draining blood from the spot, but the hematoma itself knows to be pretty painful and problematic.
2. Though surgeons do everything in their power to prevent this, the infection does happen from time to time. And from the mildest ones, the most severe these do require antibiotics treatment and can be quite stubborn. Cellulitis is one of the most common one in the breast enlargement procedures.
3. Nerve Damage. Again after a breast intervention, women can feel tingling or numbness – this can be a sign of possible damaged nerves, and around 20% of women lose nipple sensations after the procedure. It isn’t something you opt for surely.

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4. Now, this again isn’t a matter of choice or the qualification of the surgeon. Even if everything is done right and you follow the after the procedure, you can still be left with quite a scar, especially under the breast. It is simply a way of your body reacting to what is happening and trying to heal.
5. Anesthesia Complications. Although a lot of interventions are done under local anesthesia and don’t represent a problem, when it comes to using general anesthesia it can cause few complications.

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Some people have experienced a stroke, heart attacks and other infections due to the medications that were used in the anesthesia.
6. Dissatisfaction. Probably the most common one and the one women care about is the dissatisfaction after the procedure. Though everything is fine and the procedure went well, women often find another flaw or a spot that doesn’t look perfect or simply isn’t the way they wanted it to be. Unfortunately, there is no undo option in surgical procedures, so you need to think twice before lying on the surgical table.
Popular Cases Of Botched Surgeries
Now, we will take a look at the not-gone-so-well surgical interventions listed on the Gilmore Health website:
1. Jocelyn Wildenstein. A beautiful young woman wanted to prevent her billionaire husband from cheating. And she didn’t actually succeed. Her beautiful eyes, lips, and cheeks look like they are going to burst any time and she keeps on investing money in new transformation goals. Good luck.

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2. Donatella Versace. A popular sister of a famous brand creator Gianni went from looking like a nice innocent blond girl to look much older than she actually is. She underwent breast enlargement, cheek and nose interventions, as well as multiple Botox and other injectable facelifts. It simply looks like it wasn’t the best choice.

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3. Pete Burns. In his youth, he looked like a man everyone would go for, and then he decided to go for cheek implants, rhinoplasty as well as multiple lip injections. Unless his goal was to look like a 60-year old obese woman, he didn’t succeed in improving his looks.

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While mild or needed surgical interventions are a good option, there is simply no reason to go overboard. Believe us, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and even if you think that your lips might look too thin, they are beautiful to someone else. Don’t ruin your looks by impulsive decisions and if at the end you decide to undergo some plastic intervention, know what you really want and be sure to surround yourself with a group of experts!