The United Kingdom is famously the home of great Television and is in an absolute number 2 position after the USA for production (some would argue number 1). Combine the fact that the Television was invented in the UK, the densely populated 65 million head count on the island and the fact that it never stops raining; do lead to a high creative audio vision output.
ITV is the number 2 broadcaster in the UK after the BBC and the only major terrestrial network that is independent and non-government owned profit-making service (Channel 5 barely counts). Ordinarily watching ITV Hub on your devices is an easy thing to do, but, when you are on holiday overseas this can be an issue.
When outside of the United Kingdom, if you wish to watch ITV Hub abroad, you will need a VPN installed on your laptop, tablet or smartphone. A VPN switches your IP address for that of one in the United Kingdom, so you will appear to be in the United Kingdom, instead of say, Australia, Dubai or Spain.
Privatrax specializes in unblocking British and American TV apps for expats and those who are away on holiday, wanting to get a slice of back home on their devices.
As well as unblocking ITV Hub, you will be able to unblock BBC iPlayer, Channel 4OD, Demand 5 and TV Catchup. All UK TV services are effectively available to anyone overseas and for $10 per month instead of pay $50-$100 per month for expensive satellite packages that carry Brutish Television (often very much out of date).
Many people who are based permanently abroad now have VPN enabled routers in their homes, as they carry the unblocked UK IP address VPN signal to all devices that are around the home without any further installation needed.
Many people are now turning to VPN connections not just for unblocking their favourite overseas TV apps, but also for internet security. The days of the antivirus are over as most operating systems have this pre-built. What is now more troublesome is hackers intercepting your data packets when on public WIFI. If you are using PayPal on your iPad in Starbucks, then this is potentially very risky. When you have a VPN switched on, you will have a military grade securely encrypted tunnel to pass your data through, making the likelihood of data theft very unlikely.
The other great thing about VPN usage is the fact that your downloading tracks are hidden from your ISP and ultimately form your local government authority. If you wish to use a KODI box or download some music or movies without their being a visible trail, then VPN use is the perfect solution.
Most VPN providers offering their services billed in US Dollars and are around the $12 per month mark. You may however get half of this price if you pay for a year upfront. PRIVATRAX has a great deal for multipurpose UK/US/EU use for $2 USD per month when billed yearly with coupon CHEAPASCHIPS at this link.