Today you can’t even think about starting a new business or improve the existing one without having a good website, and social media pages, that will help the potential clients meet your job and bookmark your site, so they can explore it deeper and get to know it better. Even though today we can find a lot of appropriate free templates, we also can see that not every company pays enough attention to their page, and that’s a huge mistake, especially when the company needs to sell a product, or promote some service. A bad website will also give a bad picture of your company.
When people are searching for something online and reach it, they expect that all the important information is listed there, including the prices of the products, and contact phones and addresses. Also, the worst thing that may happen is a poor design with unclear navigation and irrelevant content. We all make mistakes in our lives, but websites are a crucial part of developing your brand and business, and you shouldn’t leave them for later. It’s always better to establish a good site first, and then proceed to the next steps of your marketing plan.
Many business owners are making a lot of mistakes when it comes to this, and here are the most common ones:

Source: Medium
1. Not matching the colors
The appearance is important, and no one wants to visit sites where the colors are combined badly. Just like you, as a person, are trying to match the clothes, shoes, and accessories, the same should be with your corporate accounts. It was long ago when your web address location wasn’t that important to the business, and people were using neon colors and poor design, so they can say they have one. But, today, there is a whole science behind color combinations, and you should do it smartly, so the visitors won’t have their eyes “hurt” by just looking at your homepage.
2. The links should be in different colors
Maybe you couldn’t even imagine how important are the colors for the design of your site. When you include clickable links to it, you should at least highlight it, so people can know where to click. Some companies are using the basic scheme of the theme, and the developers are forgetting to adjust the link color, and that’s a big no-no because those links will increase the sales, and bring profit to you.

Source: Website Design Gold Coast
3. Not hiring a professional to develop it
You may have learned something at school, or someone you know knows something about the web design. But, that’s not enough, and it may take a lot of time until you create it. The digital marketing agencies today, as it’s, offer a whole pack of services, including the design of your site, and you just need to give them the details, and they will do a miracle in just a few weeks, providing you a few examples of how the final product will look like. Then, you need to choose the option you like the most, and they will activate the theme, and you will have a great website that works smoothly, without causing any problem.
All the categories should be listed nicely and clearly. When the visitor comes to your website, you are the one that should navigate them through the page, so they can find what they are looking for. Sadly, today companies think they can easily sell their product through social media profiles, and the site is just a formal thing, but that’s a very wrong step of the strategy. We can find a lot of sites with poor navigation in 2024, which is sad, especially when the templates are cheap or free, and you don’t need to pay a whole wealth for a custom design.

Source: WPExplorer
5. Too many things and details
Maybe you will hear that your site should be attractive, colorful, and playful, and that’s true, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Busy designs are always a bad idea, and putting a lot of colors, shades, fonts, and styles can do just the opposite of your idea, and have the people close the tab and never visit the site again. On the other hand, forgot about the rule “less is more” and just use your imagination and creativity to create something meaningful. If you don’t have a talent for that, leave that job to the professionals.
6. Using irrelevant content
This part is not just a question of the design, but to the whole strategy in general. Use only relevant images, and if you don’t have your own photographer, you can use them royalty free sources, or pay a membership to the stock services, and download whose who are relevant to the product and service you are trying to sell. Bonus advice: Add a blog section, where you will publish posts and articles related to your product.

Source: We Are Social
7. Too much ads
First thing, having ads on your corporate site is not the best idea, but also it’s not a deadly sin. But, you shouldn’t put a lot of banners and click-to-pay links, because your goal is to sell your products and earn from that, not from impressions and clicks on your websites. If you want to do that, you need a different type of site. Avoid putting too many ads on your corporate homepage, because it looks unprofessional, and the potential client may just close the tab and never come back again.
Making mistakes is a part of our life and we can’t avoid it. But, more important is to learn how to cope with them, and not letting them define who we are. The same applies to the job and business. No one expects from you to be perfect, but you should avoid the basic and most common things that may go wrong, especially when you are a beginner, and you are trying to establish and develop a small business, that you expect to be profitable in the future.