Cold-ass weekend weather means Tink, popcorn, “Nightcrawler” and Wonder Woman. Stay in, you weirdos.
- My psychiatrist said that How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie should be required reading for everyone, so I might as well start now, right? I assume that reading it will enable me to become supreme ruler of the universe. — Rebecca
- Here is something lovely and readable and short from Zadie Smith, writing in Rookie about keeping a diary. — Megan
- Jenna Wortham, staff writer at the New York Times Magazine, wrote this killer cover story for The Fader on rising star Tink, talkin’ bout imperfection and feminism. Read it, love it, and then go seek out Tink’s brilliant mixtapes in prep for her eventual big label release. I am partial to Winter’s Diary 2. —Megan
- Lots of people I respect and admire (hi, Dad) have been reading Jill Lepore’s The Secret History Of Wonder Woman. I tried to borrow it from my friend at a dinner party this past weekend and was informed that it could not leave the house, ever. I like Lepore’s writing, and I think that this seems like a good read for a weekend night, when everyone else is out in the frigid air, and I am inside wearing cozy socks. —Megan
- Random fact about me: I did better on my math SATs than I did on the verbal, loved my math classes all through school and am still really int numbers and statistics and graphs and shapes and all that jazz that ultimately come back to MATH MATH MATH. So I am way excited to see how math relates to love in this new book, The Mathematics of Love by Hannah Fry, which originally started as a TED talk. – Amelia
- In “Nightcrawler,” Jake Gyllenhaal gives an amazing performance as a weasely dude so determined to break into the world of crime journalism that he sees absolutely nothing else. He dedicates himself to chasing after LA’s nighttime disasters so he can film them and make a buck. I started the movie with low expectations, but it was perfect. It doesn’t try to be anything grander than exactly what it is, and that’s what’s so entertaining about it. It’s seedy and fucked up and bizarre, thus exactly what you want to be watching on a weekend night in. — Claire
- Check out “Rivers and Tides,” a documentary about the artwork of Andy Goldsworthy, who makes art with nature, i.e. no tools, just other elements of nature. — Rebecca
- I don’t care what you think about the Pinkett/Smitth children. Willow Smith is making music that’s mature beyond her years, and sounds like the fucking future. Here’s her Soundcloud, with all her eerie, spacy jams. — Megan
- Harris Wittels, one of the executive producers of “Parks and Recreation,” died last week of a suspected drug overdose, shocking those who knew and loved the young — he was just 30 — writer. A Twitter friend passed along an appearance Wittels made on the Nerdist podcast back in November, where he talks about drug addiction and Scientology, among other things. RIP. — Amelia
- This easy Spaghetti al Limone pasta dish provides a slightly healthier spin on your typical cream sauce, and only takes about ten minutes to make! Whip up the fastest, coziest weekend dinner of your life. — Claire
- I’ve pretty much decided that Sundays are my days to relax, ergo I will be relaxing my diet slightly and making this fig and almond tart on Sunday. — Rebecca
- I like popcorn as much as the next person, but it gets kind of boring unless it’s covered in butter and that trashy ranch-flavored powder they sell at the movie theater. This alternative, using the crunchy and gross-sounding nutritional yeast looks pretty good. — Megan
- The lunar new year is upon us once again, and you should make dumplings! They are easy to make! If you can make a cookie, you can make a dumpling! Also, make them so that they look like mice, like these people did over at Lucky Peach. This is both terrifying and adorable. — Megan
Original by: Megan Reynolds