Say you’re having a conversation with your friends somewhere and one of them starts to list all the great things he knows about the country of Guyana. They start talking and won’t stop until everyone else is impressed by their geographical knowledge and their extensive wisdom. What then? You can’t just sit back and let your friend have all the spotlight; you want some attention too.
So you decide to change the conversation to a different topic, one that has a lot of interesting and weird developments and it’s something that at this point, everyone has heard about. Botox NYC residents’ favorite de-aging solution, despite being widely known by name, is actually a lot more fun to learn about than you might believe.
This is why, with the help of the very helpful professional staff at Manhattan’s Skinly Aesthetics, we’ve compiled a list of some weird facts about Botox. These will surely impress your friends and leave them asking for more facts about this popular cosmetic treatment.
Found During an Epidemic
Considering the recent events of 2024, this actually kind of hits home. However, this 19th-century epidemic was a lot more deadly than the one you’re probably thinking of. This was a deadly outbreak of botulism in Germany, at the time believed to have been caused by bad sausages and improperly preserved foods. The toxin was discovered by a Belgian scientist Emile Pierre van Ermengem.
It was only half a century later that they managed to crystalize the toxin and isolate it allowing for a better opportunity to study and understand how it works. Two centuries ago, back when the chemistry behind it, wasn’t as advanced as it is today, the toxin was very deadly. Nowadays, however, an outbreak is close to impossible and we use the toxin in a variety of ways for a range of medical advantages.
The Original Use for Botox
And the first medical application of the treatment was not cosmetic at all. It was purely health-related and while it had to do with the face, it had nothing to do with skin smoothness or tightness.
You might find yourself having a twitchy eye once in a while. It can come from a lack of sleep, maybe a rare nervous tick or a reaction to something. But while it’s a nuisance for you, there are a lot of people who suffer from it and it’s a regular problem for them.
Not many solutions have been discovered in recent years, but Botox was tested. And it showed some very positive results, as the twitching significantly subsided, granting the patients greater control over their eyes.
Since then, more and more uses for Botox have been discovered and implemented, including its huge entrance into the beauty industry and the world of cosmetic treatments. So, you can always amaze your friends by telling them that Botox is actually a very versatile medical compound, as opposed to being purely cosmetic.
Other Incredible Uses
Next time one of your friends dismisses the compound as nothing more than a chemical which makes celebrities and rich people look like plastic dolls, inform them on many of the compound’s other uses.
While some of these are still in deep stages of research and development, they show great signs and may point to some amazing results in the future.
A widespread medical condition, affecting people all across the globe, are migraines. To this day, no one has a certain answer as to why migraines develop, but there is one thing that’s for certain: they’re more than annoying, they can be downright painful. Many people experience great amounts of discomfort at the hands of migraines and there are currently many distinct solutions being developed.
One solution that shows a lot of promise is Botox, which, when injected into various parts of the head and neck, manages to reduce the pain that comes from migraines. Test subjects claim that they feel significantly less pain and discomfort following the treatment.
Joint pains, especially for older people, can limit their limberness and make it painful to do even the most basic activities, such as walking or standing up from a seated position. When injected into the joints, test subjects claimed that they had much greater control over their limbs, with greater flexibility and functionality than before the treatment. As the Botox compound is able to block out the pain receptors from transferring the sensation of pain to the brain, the subjects are free to use their limbs more freely, without having to worry about the constant aching.
Other treatments also include reducing sweating by injecting the compound near the sweat glands, improving the bladder, and even suppressing certain negative effects of depression. While not all of these have been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), they are still being continuously developed.
Either way, we may be hearing about some amazing positive results pretty soon and even using some of the compounds as a full-fledged treatment for these problems in the near future. So hold tight and wait to see the results of the tests.
In the Meantime…
While you’re waiting for these new treatments to become commercially available, you can always visit a cosmetic clinic for the more traditional Botox treatment. Countless clients across the world have experienced the bliss of being able to restore their youthfulness and vigor with only a few injections.
Tons of clinics offer a variety of treatment plan types and if you happen to live in NYC. Botox NYC treatment plan is unmatched in terms of quality and price, as it was designed to be accessible to many people of varying economic backgrounds. So, next time your friends decide to share some amazing facts with your group, remind them about your knowledge of the botulinum toxin and watch heads turn as you tell them what a versatile and effective compound Botox is.