Various hearing aid devices can often time cost up to $6,000 per device. Those are some staggering prices if we take into consideration who these people are that so desperately need them.
As we grow older our hearing tends to get worst. This can be a problem because we’ve depended on our hearing for so long throughout our lives. It can be challenging to hear properly, and people often times feel left out of conversations since they cannot fully understand every single person talking.
It is because of this that hearing aids have come into the market, but as we mentioned, they can often time cost a lot of money. More than 48 million Americans are having hearing problems. And it is precisely the reason as to why we are going to give you a list of the best Hearing Aids devices that do not cost astronomical figures.
1. Our Best Pick – Nano RX2000 Rechargeable Hearing Aid

Source: Nano Hearing Aids
The Nano RX2000, introduced by Nano Hearing Aids is the most powerful of the hearing aids devices we have ever encountered on the free market. The device is super easy to use and works even better than some lousy $5,000 hearing aid device. The new technology in the Nano RX2000 makes the device rechargeable, a feature that we’ve put a lot of praise into. The rechargeable feature on the RX2000 is what makes it stand out from the rest of the devices who come with batteries that die and need replacing.
The RX2000 can help people with moderate hearing problems, and it can help those with severe hearing problems. Such is the power of the Nano RX2000. The device is nearly invisible when worn, easy to use with large buttons, and powerful enough to help any level of hearing loss.
2. Model X

Source: Nano Hearing Aids
The great thing about the Model X is that it has directional microphones that allow users super clean hearing. Just like any previous model, the Model X is super easy to use and elderly people have no problem with controls what so ever. The Model X is fully digital and it comes with noise filtering and canceling technology. It is nearly invisible whenever worn, and the large buttons are what it makes it easy to use. The reason as to why the Model X is on our second list is the fact that it comes with a battery. However, the battery has a life of up to 6 months, but you will need to buy new ones as soon as the old ones run off.
3. CIC Hearing Aids

Source: Om Sai Speech & Hearing Clinic
Best use for people with mild to moderately-severe hearing loss, the CIC Hearing Aids is the optimal solution for people who want high definition (HD) sound without needing to pay $6,000. Such designs its devices to be suited for most ear sizes. The CIC is very easy to use and works incredibly well. The controls, volume, and tone are all super easy to use and elderly people have no problem with it. The CIC is very durable and can withstand some forms of damage. The CIC is about a ½ inch in size and they come with 5 different earbuds. The device runs on batteries, unlike the previously mentioned RX2000, so that is the reason why it ends up on our last spot.
It would seem those hearing devices are the sort of things that everyone will need at some point in their life. Age takes a toll on everyone, and while someone struggles with eyesight, others struggle with hearing. We hope that our review of the best Hearing aids has added some closure in your life, and we hope that you’ve found this article helpful.