SEO is one of the best forms of digital marketing you can use to gain organic traffic to your website. But utilizing SEO is very tricky, as no one has a definitive answer on how to utilize it best. Search Engine Optimization has the potential to reach unlimited traffic to your website.
And we are going to talk about a few SEO strategies that you can apply.
Content Production
In this article, we will specifically talk about content SEO strategies. Content is considered any image, video, text, or interactive that you publish on your website. Articles posted on your website, blog posts, videos posted, etc, everything is considered content. That’s why content marketing is essential to the success of your SEO strategy. So let’s take a look at the various types of content that you can utilize as your SEO strategy.

Source: Instazu
1. Blog Posts
A blog post is a general post on your website that is used to update your readers on your current dealings, the industry, and similar news. A blog post is the best and easiest way to update your website with content. The best way to utilize a blog post content SEO strategy is to establish a regular posting schedule that will update your website regularly. This has two benefits. The first is that you tell Google that your website is active and you’re providing content in regards to a specific industry, which ultimately helps you in Google SERPs for specific keywords, and the second benefit is that you tell your readers that your website is updated regularly with news in regards to a specific industry, niche, etc.
2. Infographics
As said by Progressive Media GmbH, infographics are useful because they tell a story through a collection of visualized data. The whole idea behind the use of infographics is that you can break down the content into specific chunks, each one telling a compelling story to the reader. This is especially true for any data involving map coordinates; you can export this kind of data from excel to a heat map generator software like Maptive to be easily transformed into a beautiful, customized Google map. This makes it more visually easier to assimilate and make decisions. Creating an infographic can be easily done by answering five simple questions, which you will ultimately use to create it. These questions are:
- What is the topic for the infographic?
- Why is this topic noteworthy?
- How have others used, and are using, the topic?
- What is the success behind others using the topic?
- How can readers use the topic?
Finding an answer to each of these questions will make it possible for you to create an infographic on just about any industry or any topic.

Source: Twitter
3. Downloadable Content
Downloadable content represents yet another highly powerful content SEO strategy that many businesses use. Downloadable content is mostly a written text, or media, into a PDF file that is embedded on your website. The thing behind downloadable content is for the visitor to enter his name and email address and sign up for something before the content is being given to him.
Creating downloadable content is considered to be harder than Infographics since you need to write extensively on the topic. Another thing you need for your downloadable content to work is to use forms. A general form containing fields for the visitor’s name and email is essential for the success of this SEO strategy. Not only does this improves your SEO score, but it also creates a mailing list that you can use for various marketing campaigns.