People have been used to the cab service for decades, and all around the world cabs have been the main and only way of getting fast and safe car transport from point A to point B without having to drive yourself. Whether it was you coming buzzed after a night of drinking or simply tired after the work day cabs were there to save the day. But as everything changes so do the driving service as well and in the past few years, a thing called Uber has taken people by the storm.
This incredible ridesharing service seems to outweigh regular cabs by far, and people have been opting for it instead all over the globe! This caused certain controversies and protests organized by the cab drivers but all to no avail. Uber is legal, and a more convenient way than the regular taxi service. Without further a due let’s take a look at the benefits of using an Uber and how to call one in case of a need!

The Benefits Of Using An Uber Service
1. Convenience. First, and foremost Uber is much more convenient than the regular taxi service. The driver comes to your address, and you don’t have to worry about price bargaining or scams because the Uber app will give you an estimate as soon as you type in the point A and point B. Along with that, certain apps like the Kommen one work along with Uber and allow you to book your transport even up to 30 days before.
2. Cost. In most of the countries, the Uber service is much cheaper than the taxi one. And that is why the taxi drivers were all upset as their rates are much higher, and to be honest not realistic!
3. Professionalism. Once you call the Uber number and get the driver to your doorstep, you can expect nothing less but pure professionalism. You get to choose if you want the music to be on or off, if there is smoking or not, and all the other details that you wouldn’t be asked about in a taxi car.

4. Better Vehicles. Using the Uber service will be enjoyable as the vehicles are newer, better and cleaner than the taxi ones (in most of the cases). On top of all that you are the one that gets to choose what type of car you want to drive in!
5. Payment. Last but not least is the fact that paying is done electronically as soon as you have arrived on your destination. This is safer and more convenient, plus once again you will not have to worry about the driver asking for more!
How To Call An Uber In Case Of A Need
One of the cons of the Uber service is that there is no adequate unanimous Uber number in case of an emergency. Still, there are more than few options to contact the Uber support in certain situations. First of all, there is the Critical Safety Response Line +1-800-285-6172, and that is the number you call in case of an emergency or if the driver is ill or drunk. You will be contacted by an Uber representative, and the help will arrive very soon after. On the other hand, if you have lost an item or were involved in an accident as the Rideshare Drivers Forum suggests you can fill in the adequate support form on the app and wait for the answer. While not as convenient as if you had an Uber number to call it will still solve the issue, and you should be getting your items back in a matter of a few days (if not sooner). On the other hand if the Uber driver wants to contact the support because of an accident, or another type of an issue that has occurred there are few ways: Uber app support;; Uber movement; E-mail; Greenlight Hubs; 24-hour telephone support; and last but not least the Critical Safety response line. Until the Uber service develops better customer support that features more numbers and fewer fill-in forms the Uber app is your customer service go-to-option!

The benefits of using an Uber over a cab are numerous, and apart from certain customer support issues, it is a service that will continue to grow. In the end, if you are a professional driver, it might just be the right thing to earn an extra buck!