COD Warzone is an online PVP battle royale game in which there will be 100 players on the map and the last player standing wins. COD Warzone is a very hard game as it’s an FPS game. It’s hard to improve your aim in FPS games because people like to use cheats and easily win the game. This game has become very popular over time. Millions of players have jumped to this game from Fortnite and started playing the game.
If you like COD Warzone you can use Lavicheats which will make it impossible for people to kill you. But, if you want to improve your aim for real, you will have to play without cheats and hacks. Cheats and hacks can also get you banned from the game forever which is why you should never use cheats and hacks.
Many people are downloading this game daily which means there are a lot of beginners out there who can benefit from this article. You can refer this article to your newbie friend. However, some people can already be good at the game if their aim is good in FPS games and there are also some people who it takes ages to practice and their aim still doesn’t get better. You can try any aim trainer to improve your aim.
Professional players use aim trainers to warm up before they get in the game. And somehow if you’re good at the game, you can also start streaming online and join big organizations and play for them. You can make a lot of money out of gaming but, that is only if your aim is good. It’s important to be consistent if you want to get good at this game.
Call of Duty Warzone is probably the best action and battle royale game right now available online for free. The best part about this game is it’s free so, the people who can’t afford to pay 40-50 dollars for a game can now download this game for free. If you like to experience some realistic virtual action games, then you should give this game a try. Another amazing thing about this game is that you can customize your guns and other gear. You add whatever you want to your guns such as a red dot sight, suppressor, and other amazing features.
And then you can use those guns by calling a drop loot in-game and the helicopter will drop the crate for you which you can search and get your weapons. This feature of the game is very attractive and can only be the reason why people play this game. It’s the first-ever game to have this feature in it.
However, you may come across many hackers in the game ruining your experience but, don’t worry you can report those players and get them banned meaning they won’t ever be able to play the game again because their IP address will get banned not their account.
So, even if they make a new account, they won’t be able to play the game as their IP will permanently be banned. It can take you a lot of time to learn how to handle yourself in tricky situations because there may be times when you have no cover and the circle is too small for you to hide. This is when your aiming skills and mechanics will matter the most.
Here is the guide you should follow if you’re a beginner in Call Of Duty Warzone
1. Scout the map before you drop

Once you’re in-game, you should check where the plane is coming from. You should decide where you should land quickly as you won’t have much time till the plane reaches the end of the map. If you want to win, you should never drop where the plane is coming from, you should always drop to where you think people won’t come so you can easily loot and then get some easy kills.
2. Glide down fast

This is something people recently started doing which is killing people in the air. If the person in front of you has good aim and you’re gliding down slowly, there is no chance that you will live to play the rest of the game. The player will kill you mid-air as it’s easy to aim at people who are gliding down slowly. So, try to glide down as fast as you can and find a house where you can land for easy loot.
3. Look for cash

Don’t leave the houses before looting them as they might have cash in there and with the cash you can call your customized loot to use. This is something every professional player does before he sets out to fight. It’s important to have the guns you customized as you probably know how to make the most out of them. You will find guns all around the map but, they aren’t customized and have bad recoil on them which is why your priority should be to get your loadout drops.
4. Don’t waste your cash when playing duos or squads

Try not to waste any cash by buying armor plates as you can easily get them by looting houses. Save your cash when playing duo or squads so you can easily get your teammates back by buying them out. However, if they win in the gulag, you can use the money from self-revive kit.
With a self-revive kit, you can revive yourself when someone knocks you out. You won’t have to be dependent on your teammates to comes to save you after they kill the people who knocked you. Instead, you can revive yourself and help them take out other players.
5. Ping everything

Whenever you’re playing squads, try to ping everything you see or get such as enemies, armor plates, ammo, guns and, etc. It lets your teammates know what you’re aiming at or what you’re looking for. Use this tip whenever you can and map it to a button that you’re comfortable using as you will be using this button a lot.