No matter what industry you work in, you need to make sure that your office computers are in the best shape possible. These are the machines that power your business, and you need to be certain that they are always going to be up to the task. Even if you have no dedicated employee working on your IT systems, there are some key programs and tasks you can run to ensure that they are always in the best possible condition. Here are some of the key things to do to maintain the health of your computers, no matter what industry you might be in.
Start with Security

Source: PCWorld
You need to make sure that your computer has some decent security software on it. There are many basic antivirus softwares out there that could provide the protection you need. Whether you are opting for free antivirus software or you are looking into some of the business packages, there are many ways you can grab protection for your devices.
A threat can come from any direction. It is just as easily a phishing scam in an email as it is a dodgy link on an unsecured website. It might even appear to be totally innocent, but it could soon infect your whole computer system. You need to ensure that there are reasonable controls in place to prevent this.
Review the Computer Logs

Source: Darbi Blog
Your computer logs are some of the best pieces of data you have for determining the health of your computer overall. You need to pay close attention to them to determine best what cause of action to take if an issue does arise. By using a log collector such as the one available from XpoLog, you will be able to see much of the data that is available about your computer.
Machine data analysis and monitoring are key features. If you rely on your computers for your business, you may want to implement a system that will allow you to keep track of them. They can be as straightforward or as complex, as you need them to be – perfect for an office that might not be the most tech-savvy – and they can even be set to run automatically. No matter why you use your computer systems, you need to take advantage of simple processes like monitoring your computer logs to maintain a healthy operating system entirely.
Clean the Computer Units

Source: Money Crashers
Now and then, you need to engage a professional to come in and clean your computer units. Just like any other surface in your office, your computer can gather dust and dirt. This, in turn, could impact the health and performance of your computer.
In particular, a build-up of dust could clog your computer’s fan. It is allowing this to happen means that air will not be able to flow so easily around your computer. You might then experience overheating that could potentially fry a crucial part of your device. Not only will this shorten the lifespan of the device, but it also might be costly to replace the damaged parts. This damage is easy to avoid, and regular cleaning from a professional who knows what they are doing will help with this.
In addition to this, you should try to maintain clean computers for the health of your workers. With a growing number of office workers choosing to eat their lunch at their desks, food particles and germs are making their way into your keyboards and mice. Not only could this affect how they are used, but it could also result in a new member of staff becoming ill if they try to use this computer. Basic hygiene is always important, and it is easy to maintain, even in the smallest of offices.
Choose Strong Passwords

Attacks can also be launched on your computer systems by nefarious parties trying to gain information through a weak password. The number of businesses that use just one password across their accounts is astonishing. This is not a good practice to get in the habit of, no matter whether the account is one in your personal life or one for an aspect of your business.
You need to make sure that you have a complex, unique password for every single account or program that your business uses. This is crucial for maintaining the security of your business. Make sure that these passwords do not overlap in any way – even using the same word in different combinations could be a weak entry point in the eyes of a hacker.
Luckily, there are many programs nowadays that can help you keep track of your passwords. These are a safe and secure way for you to manage and retrieve your passwords as you need them. Make sure all your employees understand the dangers of weak passwords too. There is little use in you maintaining a high standard in this area if your employees are just going to undermine your efforts on their own devices.
Make the Health of Your Office Computers a Top Priority

Source: Better Homes and Gardens
Depending on your industry, you might have a key piece of technology that can never fail. This is the one item you need to ensure the health of your company at all times, and you are always on standby to get it back in good working order. You need to treat the health of your office computers with the same fervor.
If you slack on the health of your office computers, there is a strong chance that you could run into issues further on. You need to make sure that you maintain the health of your computers no matter what. With the right care, you can be certain that your systems will be able to overcome everything. A small business is often thought to have poorer security than a larger corporation. You might not be able to recover from any issues as easily as they would. Start maintaining the health of your computers for the wider benefit of your company today.