It looks like the upcoming “Wonder Woman” TV show remake is going to have some competition. Because there’s gonna be a porno version. It’s called … wait for it … “Wonder Woman XXX.” Pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? It stars porn star Tori Black as the superhero who will be “kickin’ butt and takin’ names.” Also! It was written and directed by a woman, Ashlynn Brooke, who is also a porn star.
But there’s a twist! There’s another Wonder Woman porn parody in the works already. The one with Black in it is “Wonder Woman XXX: A Hardcore Parody.” The one being produced by porntastic juggernaut Vivid Video is called “Wonder Woman XXX: A Porn Parody.” Let the porn wars begin. Regarding this latest entrant, it is political! Here is the plot.

Source: Full XXX Movies
“In ‘Wonder Woman XXX,’ the Iraqi government has once again penetrated US soil, sending their top spy to infiltrate America’s most lucrative business, the porn industry. Through the help of a sultry US informant, the Iraqi spy gains access to California’s biggest porn production sets in order to steal their secrets. There is only one person who can stop the Iraqi insurgence by making a man crumble to his knees and beg for mercy—Wonder Woman. Will the Iraqi spy succeed in his mission to rip off America’s beloved porn, or will he succumb to the wealth and riches of the most sought after body on the planet? Will Wonder Woman save the day, or are her powers futile against the terrorist attacks? Only watching ‘Wonder Woman XXX’ will reveal the answers.”
No word yet on what Lynda Carter thinks. [Bleeding Cool]
Original by: Susannah Breslin