This just in! Now we have proof that men are “liars, liars, pants on fire!” Researchers in the U.K. have found that men lie twice as often as women. On an average day, men tell about six lies while ladyfolk tell about three. While I’m sure there are many Honest Abes out there, sorry guys, it looks like you’ve totally slaughtered us in the fibbing department. After the jump, check out the lies each gender tells most frequently, according to this study of 2,000 Brits. It looks like men and women do have something in common in our lying habits—the most frequent lie in both lists is exactly the same.
The 10 lies men tell most often

Source: inc
1. Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine
2. This will be my last pint
3. No, your bum doesn’t look big in that
4. I had no signal
5. My battery died
6. Sorry, I missed your call
7. I didn’t have that much to drink
8. I’m on my way
9. It wasn’t that expensive
10. I’m stuck in traffic
The 10 lies women tell most often

Source: youtube
1. Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine
2. Oh, this isn’t new, I’ve had it ages
3. It wasn’t that expensive
4. It was in the sale
5. I’m on my way
6. I don’t know where it is, I haven’t touched it
7. I didn’t have that much to drink
8. I’ve got a headache
9. No, I didn’t throw it away
10. Sorry, I missed your call [Daily Mail]
Interesting that “I missed your call,” “I’m on the way,” and “I didn’t have that much to drink” made both lists, just in different positions. Which of these fibs have you told?
Original by: Ami Angelowicz