Of all the anti-abortion legislative f***ery to happen recently, one of the saddest stories is out of Georgia. As I blogged in Today’s Lady News on Wednesday, GA State Representative Bobby Franklin has introduced a bill that would would classify abortion as “prenatal murder” in order to criminalize it, which would thus require miscarriages to be investigated by the state. They’re pre-born citizens, don’t you know? Obviously this is incredibly sensitive to grieving mothers and father who just lost a much-wanted pregnancy.
But for such a wonderful idea, it will be a difficult undertaking: what about all the potential babies — the unfertilized eggs — women lose each month with their citizenry depletion menstruation? Who will investigate those prenatal murders? Luckily some feminist activists have a great idea on how to help.

Source: Verywell Health
Writes blogger Jill Filipovic at Feministe:
“Next time you’re on the rag, photo-document the results. Why? Because somewhere around 50% of fertilized eggs naturally don’t implant, and are flushed out of the body. It’s an act of God, sure, but still — that’s a 50% prenatal death rate for Georgia’s smallest citizens. Your womb, basically, is a serial killer. And Rep. Franklin is very, very interested in using the Georgia state police to investigate any possible death of a Georgia citizen.”
Filipovic even includes a form letter you can send to Rep. Franklin as you mail him pics of your evidence of murder: tampons, maxi pads, Keepers and LunaPads. His address is:
Rep. Bobby Franklin
401 Coverdell Legislative Office Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
LOVE. [Feministe via Tiger Beatdown]
Original by: Jessica Wakeman