
Source: CILEx Regulation
- John Wayne Bobbitt, the man who notoriously had his penis cut off by his then-wife, Lorena Bobbitt, because he allegedly raped her and had allegedly been physically abusing her, told “The View” that she has never apologized. But rest assured, ladies, his “thingy” now works fine. [Radar Online]
- President Obama has told the Department of Justice to stop defending the anti-gay marriage Defense of Marriage Act in court. Woo-hoo! [Queerty, BuzzFeed]
- Jacksonville, Florida, mayoral candidate Mike Hogan made a joke in public about bombing an abortion clinic. Ha … ha? [WJXT]
- Did you know there is a Muslim feminist punk movement? [Alternet]
- Oy. What’s a “flexisexual”? A girl who likes boys but kisses girls for male attention. [ABC News]
- Virginia is poised to vote on a bill tomorrow that would seek to regulate abortion clinics the same way as hospitals. [Washington Post]
- An Oklahoma state House of Representatives committee has passed a so-called “fetal pain” bill that criminalizes abortions after 20 weeks because that is supposedly the point after which fetuses can feel pain. [KFOR]
- Missouri’s state Senate is also making moves to redefine the time period after which a fetus is viable. [Southeast Missourian]
- Miss Colorado Blair Griffith and her mother are currently homeless; they were evicted from their home just one month after Blair won the statewide pageant. [The Grio]
- Two women are suing the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, claiming a Charlotte police officer sexually assaulted them both during a traffic stop. Officer Marcus Jackson was already sentenced in December to two years in prison for sexually assaulting six women while on duty. [Charlotte Observer]
- A bill recently introduced in Georgia’s House of Representatives would classify abortion as “prenatal murder” to criminalize it, as well as require miscarriages to be investigated by the state. Because that’s exactly what a grieving mother and father want to do after they have lost their much-desired pregnancy: talk to Uncle Sam. [Raw Story]
- Meet the next generation of women in technology! [Fast Company]
- Why aren’t there more female comics at the SXSW festival? Blogger Andrea Grimes has the scoop. [Hay Ladies!]
- How do “I hate my body!” moments affect your sex life? [Betty Confidential]
- Street harassment of Egyptian women is a problem rarely acknowledged by the mainstream media until the recent revolution. [UPI]
- Abortion is not an option in Chile — not even if the woman’s health is at risk. [Guardian UK]
- Women ages 15 to 49 from the lowest income neighborhoods are twice as likely to have an abortion over their wealthier peers, according to a study of births in Ontario hospitals. [CBC]
- Carleton Lifeline, an anti-abortion group at Carleton College in Ottawa, is suing the school for $225,000 because it claims they were censored from displaying graphic images of aborted fetuses on the campus. [Ottawa Citizen]
Original by: Jessica Wakeman