It would be hard to find a more fitting pair than that of sex and travel. Here, one adventurer, who has kissed an uncounted number of men who don’t share her zip code, shares her experience combining the two through more than 30 countries for our “End of Summer Escapes” series.
There have been many times I’ve put on way too much makeup only to coyly sip a martini at the bar, chatting with a close girlfriend. Our first goal in meeting for a drink was to talk (there’s always random stuff to catch up on). Our second—the one requiring the lipstick and mascara—was to meet men. It never works; we do way too much talking and remain in an anti-social huddle, sitting on our bar stools the entire time.
I’m not suggesting you stick your tongue into the mouth of the first guy you meet; I’m merely suggesting you use your trip to really chill out.

Source: iStock
But the minute we book a trip, hop on flight, and relocate our gabfest to, say, a weekend in Miami, everything changes. The halter dresses come out along with the wavy non-blow-dried hair. The anxiety over feeling stuck in a cubicle fades, and we’re actually smiling for no reason. We’re not hunched over, balancing our winter coats on our laps. Instead we’re approachable, and the guys actually start approaching. Sometimes we meet one guy, sometimes a group, but it’s almost a guarantee. The only thing that’s the same as those chilly bar nights back home are the martinis. Actually, I’m lying about that—two months ago, I decided vodka tonics are my drink of choice since there’s less spillage while wearing heels.
So, why is it easier to meet guys when traveling? Well, for one, “where are you from?” is actually a non-cheesy pickup line that works perfectly on vacation. Right away, it’s easy to see whether you click or not (like, if he’s there on a hunting expedition). If not, there will be another guy coming your way. As a side note, I do not look like a supermodel, nor do I have bronze lean legs or long blond hair. I would call myself a 6.5. But still, even as a woman who thinks she’s just slightly above average on that stupid one-to-10 scale, my newfound willingness to have fun intrigues men.
Plus, vacationing males are also out of their element, creating a ballsier atmosphere on both sides. Speaking of ballsy, while away from home I also learn to do the talking—especially when it comes to asking the guy next to me for the time (which is usually irrelevant), or even an “I’m drunk” cigarette. And very soon, sitting at the bar turns into dancing near the bar (sometimes on the bar), which turns into a crawl to the “trendier” bar next door. If it goes well, brunch the next day is always an option. (There’s sometimes more action involving hot tubs, but my husband wouldn’t appreciate reading the details.)
After all, it’s vacation. Where else are you going to be on a noon-to-3 a.m. schedule when your entire agenda for the day is composed of lounging, eating, and drinking? But I’m not suggesting you stick your tongue into the mouth of the first guy you meet; I’m merely suggesting you use your trip to really chill out. When you’re lying in the sun (wearing sunscreen, of course) on that postcard-looking beach, you can finally relax and let your guard down. And even if you don’t end up in a “serious relationship” after a few days in paradise, at least you’ll leave with a few vacation pics to show your friends at home. But please, don’t share them with the hot guy you went on a date with before you left.
Original by Alina Berd