Clitoral massage, anyone?
It seems as if all things Eastern have been becoming increasingly devoured in the West: Cuisine, philosophies, yoga, medicine, and sexual techniques.
What’s the “it” thing now? Orgasmic Mediation (or OM). It is a Buddhist tradition that practices mindfulness through clitoral massaging. No, it’s not jerking yourself off… It has to be done with a partner using a certain technique. There are classes in various cities where men and women can learn how to practice the mediation.
Regardless of sexual preference or orientation, Orgasmic Mediation is supposed to help you grow as a person.
Understanding OM
Nicole Daedone — founder of OneTaste, a company that researches and teaches orgasmic meditation and “slow sex” — said a quieting of the mind is actually the goal of OM. OneTaste’s website explains the practice in detail for all those interested.
OneTaste proclaims: “Science and experience agree — orgasm can incline people towards empathy, connection, and generosity. Orgasm magnifies, intensifies, and vivifies everyday experience not by altering it, but by revealing its true nature. The implications for our health, happiness, and relationships are astounding.”
According to the info on the site, the “consciousness practice” requires a partner who “strokes another person’s clitoris for 15 minutes with no goal other than to feel sensation.” “The OM practice combines the power and attention of meditation with the deeply human, deeply felt, and connected experience of Orgasm,” OneTaste’s site reads.
It’s not a one off thing either. Experts of OM say it is something that has to be practiced often and requires constant discipline. Physically, it is suppose to create more powerful and frequent climaxes. Spiritually, it links both parties as well as helping them connect with other people on different levels.
Overall, fans say that Orgasmic Meditation has deepened their romantic relationships to a whole other level and improved many things in their lives, including motor skills and intuition.
It can get weird
Nitasha Tiku, who tried OM, wrote My Life With the Thrill-Clit Cult for Gawker, where she writes extensively about her experience of an OM getaway through OneTaste.
According to her, she got to select who would be touching her as she was nested in pillows in a room with other women. She wrote:
Everyone was told to begin at the same time. OneTaste instructors walked around the nests offering adjustments like it was a yoga class. I tried to ignore the cacophony of women—caterwauling and moaning and generally making the kind of animal sounds that would never pass a porn producer’s edit—to focus on my own experience.
Tiku said that during one OM session, a woman wailed the entire time. While she assumed they were happy or cathartic cries, if a woman ever felt uncomfortable, they could flash a red card for it to stop.
The company offers classes in various cities like New York and San Francisco, with the intro class costing about $200. In the course, students are only given a demonstration of the technique. They do not participate in that particular class.
OneTaste does offer many different levels of courses though. Plus, the company offers retreats (that cost over $4k) and a $15k Coaching Program.
If you’re interested but that’s too pricy for you… You could just take advantage of the free online information to learn the technique.
Read more about the practice of OM, then SHARE this article.
Original by Jordie Lee