Surfing is a water sport for all adrenaline and sea waves lovers. It is a sport that depends on the tides, wind and requires ideal weather conditions in order to “ride on the waves.” Still, water surfing is one of those activities that many want to try, precisely because of the excitement and, to be frank, because it looks like a lot of fun – which is true.
That incredible feeling once you “climb” to the very top of the wave is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime. It is no wonder why surfing is one of the sea activities that are gaining popularity every year, especially during the summer. For those who are not familiar with all that is required and don’t know what to expect, there are surfing schools where you can also learn more about some basics, how to choose the right equipment and much more.
It is a beautiful and sport full of adrenaline, and surely not for everyone. When we talk about it, we often think of vacation, the beach, friends, laughter, and fun, but surfing is not easy, and it takes a lot of will, patience, and time, as for almost everything in life, but that feeling when you are in the barrel or tube (depending on which term you prefer) is something truly special. Of course, in order to surf and enjoy the sea, proper equipment is needed, and although many people think that all you need is a surfboard and you are ready to go, those who are familiar with this sport know that it actually takes much more than that.
Luckily, today there are many websites, like, where you can take your time and find all the things you might need for surfing, but since there are so many things to choose from, everyone needs some help when picking the right gear and is there to help. That is the reason why we gathered the top four tips on what to focus on, what is a must, and what to look for when buying surfing gear and equipment online.
1. Focus on the gear you actually need
The first and most important thing is to start the search with the gear you actually need for surfing, and since there are a lot of things to buy in order to make the ride on the waves even better, a lot of people find themselves spending hours looking and browsing for many various things that you not necessarily need. The surfboard is obviously a must-have thing, and for those who lack surf experience, it is always better to choose a longboard, especially for beginners, as it will help. Of course, as you progress, you will change it and find a better one, and in that case, surf shops are a great place as they will provide you with the right advice. The other thing to purchase while looking at the board is the board bag to keep it clean and preserve it.
2. Wetsuit?
After picking the board, those who plan to surf in cold waters should focus on choosing the right wetsuit, and doing so can be challenging since there are many things to choose from. Material has a big role, but luckily most of them are made from neoprene, a material that is pretty light and the one that will keep you warm. The highest amount of neoprene, the warmer the suit, which is something to keep in mind when shopping for one. The most important thing when buying one is for sure its thickness. Since every wetsuit consists of two numbers, everyone should know that the first one represents the thickness around the body area, and the second one (smaller number) is for the area around arms and legs. Now that we covered some basics, you can start looking for the type and style you like and “worry” about the length of the zipper.
3. Pick the right wax and secure the board
In order to make the most of the surfing experience, one will need surfing wax because it is one thing that will grant a better grip and will make the board less slippery. Even if someone buys board with the traction pad, every surfer always recommends applying wax to get a better texture. It is not something to ignore, and since it is not expensive, there is no reason not to purchase it. Another less pricey but an accessory that every surfer will like to have is a surfboard leash. The whole purpose of it is not to lose the board if you fall and lose track of it, and if you wonder how long it should be, well, it should at least match the length of the board.
4. Extras
There is always something to enhance the performance and to add to the excitement. That is why focusing on some extras is always a good thing to do. Surf fins are some of that equipment to get better performance, as they will give you more stability, which means that you will stay on your feet for longer. They come in various styles and sizes, so take your time picking the right one. After shopping, the only thing that remains is picking the right place on the board to put them, and when doing so, one should always keep in mind which leg is their dominant.
Earplugs are another piece of equipment that one might want to have, especially if they plan to surf in cold waters. Why are they so important? Well, earplugs can help in preventing and reduce the risk of developing a surfer’s ear, a condition that can be pretty painful. Exostosis (the other name for surfer’s or swimming ear) is a condition where a small bone grows inside the ear canal. There is no need to point out how troublesome this could be or how much pain it could cause, and the only solution, if the condition occurs, is surgery.
Wrapping up
These four tips will help with buying the best and most adequate equipment for everyone. There is always something new that becomes a must-have thing, but in the end, it’s always better to spend more time surfing and not browsing through the net.