Life is not just about happy moments. Sometimes a run of bad luck in your life does not stop, presenting one unsuccessful surprise after another. Against this background, you develop constant anxiety. Any event in life can cause strong emotions we cannot get rid of on our own or do not know how to do it.
In order not to go crazy or wait until things get out of hand, we often resort to the help of our friends or loved ones who can somehow distract us. We should learn to distract ourselves. We will not always be in the circle of loved ones who will come to the rescue, so everything needs to be taken under control.
Never assume that distractions will help you get rid of a problem that is causing you stress or anxiety. Distractions are temporary pills that help us reduce our anxiety or give us time for our emotions to stop raging. Only then can you move on to starting to think rationally about how to solve the problems that have arisen.
We have compiled a list of easy distractions for you.

1. Talk to yourself
If anxiety accompanies you for a long time, then the first thing you need to do is seek help from a psychotherapist. However, if such a state is new to you, then perhaps you just need to throw out your emotions.
You can take a sheet of paper or a diary and write down everything that comes to your mind and everything you experience. You do not need to choose words or think about how to say the right thing. Just write down what you feel.
2. Binge watch some funny videos
A good laugh can sometimes significantly improve our condition. Sitting on Instagram and looking at the perfect profiles of other people who are doing great in life can, on the contrary, increase your level of anxiety. However, there is nothing better than a couple of funny videos, thanks to which you can laugh heartily.
Think about what might make you laugh. Maybe it’s funny cats and dogs that do all sorts of unimaginable things? You can open YouTube or TikTok and there you will find millions of such videos.

3. Play games
Invite your friends to host a board game night. Bring the entire collection you have. Play Monopoly, Alias, or Dixit. The spirit of competition will wake up in you. You will be able to laugh with your friends, and also forget about all your problems at least for a while.
If you are alone, then you can plunge into Solitaire Social, where you will fight for first place in the tournament tables with players around the world. You can not only play cards but also immerse yourself in building the garden and villa of your dreams for the collected rewards.
4. Tone up
How long ago did you go for a run or stretch? Get up right now and do something good for your health. Stress and anxiety take a toll not only on your mental and emotional health but also on your physical health. Seriously, get up, find a couple of video tutorials on YouTube, turn on energetic music and work on your body.
10-20 minutes of exercise will fill you with energy during times when you don’t feel like doing anything. While you are stretching your body, you will not even think about your other problems.

5. Spend some quality time with your family and friends
Talking to family or friends when you feel unwell can be very helpful. However, if you don’t feel like talking, then just invite them to spend time together. You can camp for a few days in some picturesque place where nothing will bother you or just offer to go on a picnic. Buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and barbecue products. Take the necessary sports equipment to play badminton, volleyball, football, or other equipment, depending on how you like to spend time with your loved ones. Fresh air, physical activity, and a pleasant time with your family or friends will be a great distraction for you.
6. Start practicing yoga
If you have never heard about how useful yoga is, then you will be pleasantly surprised. In short, this is the perfect way to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. Speaking of your health, you will be able to learn how to control your body as well as your breathing. Such a practice is not just a set of physical exercises, but rather a way of life. When you do yoga, you will want to rethink your habits.
If you have never practiced yoga, then now you have a huge number of resources to learn from. You don’t have to work with an instructor because YouTube has a crazy amount of videos for beginners and there are a huge number of mobile apps.

7. Start watching a new series or TV show
When you start watching any new series, if it is incredibly interesting, then you can forget about everything that bothers you, at least for a while. Sometimes some series even help you understand yourself or understand that your problems are not worth a cent. The hardest part is finding something truly exciting. If you want to distract for a few hours, then we recommend that you start watching Peaky Blinders, Game of Thrones, or Money Heist.
There are so many of them now that you’ll want to jot down every exciting series in a notebook so you don’t forget to watch it. Other than that, you can also watch your favorite series that makes you smile.
It is easy to succumb to anxiety caused by problems in your life. However, if you continue to succumb to this state, the more difficult it will be for you to get out of it. As they say, the far it goes, the messier it gets. If this is new to your life, then you can use some distraction. You can distract yourself by starting a diary, watching funny videos on TikTok or YouTube, paying attention to your physical condition, playing Solitaire with a million players around the world, spending some quality time with your loved ones, practicing yoga, and watching a thrilling new series.