Hamsters are one of the most popular pets that can be nurtured and kept by children. They are that small and cute pets that can live about two years and are usually considered as one of the easiest pets to keep and well taken care of.
Are you thinking of what pet you should keep or what pet you should start petting? You need to be equipped to know how to select a hamster, what materials it needs, and how to feed and care for the new pet. And before you decide to buy it, you need to learn how to be a responsible hamster owner by knowing the basics on how to take care of them.
Img source: hamsteraid.wordpress.com
Let me give you some guidelines:
It’s not just about getting one but you also need to make sure you know your choices and what hamster you like. If you are getting Syrian Hamsters, keep in mind that they should never be put together because they will definitely argue for their territory once they reached their age. Another popular hamster in line would be Dwarf and Russian hamster; although they are also territorial but can be put together just as long as they are from one family.
Of course, purchasing a cage should be one of the lists to buy if you own a hamster. You need to make sure you get them an escape proof cage and something larger, so you can give them more room to exercise and explore. Check out this insanely detailed review on best hamster cage by PetLoveThat.com
Img source: petsami.com
High-Quality Pellets are preferable to a hamster-formulated seed mixture because there are a lot of nutrients to pick on it. You can also buy and invest some hamster mix, which will be composed of fruits and vegetables. Also, consider giving them enough water at all times so they can be more healthy and alive.
Hamsters are cute and adorable. They are playful and animated. Make sure you keep them entertained or they will get bored. You may also consider purchasing a ball for your hamster to run around a room under your supervision.
Img source: hamsteraid.wordpress.comCOMFORTABLE BEDDING
Cage Bedding is necessary for a hamster, but some can be dangerous like cotton as it can cause choking and internal blockage that will slowly kill your pet. You need to provide proper bedding for their cage. According to some veterinarians, Aspen Shavings are one of the best cage beddings. Aside from being absorbent, it will also give your cage a natural look.
Maintaining and caring for a pet can be a big responsibility. It’s really up to you to supply all the things necessary. Like humans, they also need to live a cozy and healthy life.
So if you’re planning to be a hamster parent soon, prepare for the basics and dedicate your time to them. Interacting with them every day will also help you two create a good bond.