With thousands of different health conditions around the world, it’s not always easy to keep track. Each with their own symptoms, they can affect our bodies in different ways, some taking us years to notice we even have them. Scientists today are still struggling to find cures for some of the most common health conditions. In this article, we are going to discuss ten conditions, which are currently incurable.
1. Dementia
Dementia occurs when some of the brain’s functions are impaired. This leads to memory loss and affects our judgment. The most common form of dementia is known as Alzheimer’s Disease and generally affects those over the age of 60. Currently, there is no prevention or cure for the disease, making it a very severe incurable illness. However, there are certain medications that can be taken to assist with other symptoms. When dementia progresses to its later stage, they might forget their family, how to walk, and how to eat. In most cases, the individual will be placed into a nursing home where they can be monitored and cared for under supervision.

Source: McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
HIV is what causes AIDS and is transmitted from person to person through infected bodily fluids. It results in our body not being able to properly fight off infections, and most people are unaware of their condition until months later. While you can take extra precautions to limit your risk of contracting HIV, there is currently no cure. This can lead to future worry about medical expenses, which is why everyone should consider investing in health insurance, like mutualofomahamedicareplans.com.
3. Diabetes
Diabetes occurs when the human body can’t produce or doesn’t produce enough insulin. Those with Type 1 Diabetes must replace their insulin each day with injections, while those with Type 2 can manage it with healthy eating and exercise. Some of the main symptoms that you first begin to notice might include increased thirst and hunger, frequent urination, weight loss, fatigue, and irritability. While there is no full cure, your body can go into remission.

Source: Medium
4. Lupus
Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which your body attacks your own organs and tissue. This is because your immune system “goes into overdrive.” Symptoms include a butterfly rash over your nose and cheeks, fever, fatigue, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can then lead to further complications, such as infections, cancer, and chronic pain. Medications can be used to help with these symptoms, but the individual must take other precautions as they are at high risk. While there is no sure reason why lupus occurs, there are some risks that can trigger it. This includes genetics, environmental factors such as sunlight and hormones.
5. Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that affects the body’s control of movements. It can start off with minor tremors at first, such as a small hand tremor, but can progress to other areas of the body. No medication can stop this disease from progression, but some medications can remove body stiffness and pain. The process of assisting with symptoms can be different for each individual, as it can affect everyone differently.

Source: Dr. Henry Kanarek
6. Anaphylaxis
A type of severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, usually must be treated with an adrenaline autoinjector. There are different forms of allergic reactions, some associated with foods, some with environmental factors (stings and bites), and others with medication and chemicals. While there are some smaller allergies that can be outgrown, generally, those with anaphylaxis have it for life. Some of the most common causes of anaphylaxis include nuts, shellfish, milk, and bee stings. Those with this condition must take extra care when eating out, and always carry a spare EpiPen in case of emergencies.
7. Asthma
When an individual’s airways become inflamed and compressed, the body produces extra mucus that causes difficulty breathing. This is called asthma and is usually diagnosed by the age of 5. While there are reports of some individuals’ growing out’ of it, most with severe cases carry around a Ventolin puffer to aid symptoms. While some attacks can be random, they usually occur because of exercise, dust, or smoke.

Source: Medical News Today
8. Cancer
One of the most well-known uncurable diseases, chronic cancers, affects millions of individuals worldwide. With so many different types, it’s almost impossible to count them all. While there are some steps that can be taken, such as surgery, chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, and radiation therapy, there is no guarantee that the cancer cells will not come back. However, research is still being conducted today, and we are hopefully getting closer and closer to a cure.
9. Stroke
When a stroke occurs, the brain is damaged due to an interruption in the blood supply. There are many different stages, and they are generally rated on a stroke scale. The higher the score, the more impaired the individual is. The highest number on the scale is 42. While some people believe that strokes can be reversed with treatment and rehabilitation, it is unclear if the damage can be fully reversed. Symptoms include dizziness, numbness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking, and a sudden headache.

Source: Stars Insider
10. Epilepsy
Epilepsy is when the body has seizures that occur when the nerve cell activity in our brain is disturbed. It can affect individuals of all ages and both gender and is generally managed with frequent medication. While medication, in some cases, can take away all symptoms, an individual will still have epilepsy for life. Some seizures are minor, and some more severe, meaning it can vary from person to person.
While it may be scary and daunting to think about all the different conditions that are currently incurable, it’s important to remember that our scientists and health professionals are working every day to try and come up with new medications to treat these diseases. The most important thing we can do is be supportive and care for those around us. By sharing correct information, we can help others know what symptoms to look out for.