Health is declining in the west, and doctors aren’t doing much to help.
With 30 million Americans receiving recommendations for blood pressure medication and 10% of the entire American population (over 12 years old) on anti-depressants, what we’re witnessing is a pandemic that is only accelerating over time, with many companies making a tidy profit in the process.
In 2024, it’s up to you to take this matter into your own hands. It all starts with awareness.
Here’s four major health secrets that your doctor really does not want you to be aware of.
1. Most Men Are Low Testosterone

Source: Health Journal
The majority of adult men have lower testosterone than the ideal range, which is 800-1200. Most men are significantly below this.
Meaning most men are walking round with:
- Poorer focus at work
- Lower energy levels
- Worsened sleep quality
- Weakened physical strength
- Excess stubborn fat, particularly around the mid-section
Will your doctor tell you all this?
Your doctor will give you the usual spiel about 350mg/dl being the threshold for clinical diagnosis of hypogonadism. But there’s a few major problems with this.
The 350 Level Is Determined By Societal Norms
Firstly, 350mg/dl is a number that has been continually trending downwards over the years. Medical professionals used to use far higher numbers than this to equate societal norms, with ‘healthy’. But as the societal norms continued to drop, so too did the clinical diagnosis of low testosterone. Doctors continually shift the goalposts, down.
The reality is that men’s testosterone levels have been falling for many decades now, across all ages. 30 year old men in 2024 have less testosterone than 30 year old men in 2011. They had less than 30 years olds in 2001. And so the cycle continues.
LabCorp is an example of catering to the lowest common denominator, by lowering their testosterone threshold from 350mg to 265mg back in 2017. Their reason?
“There’s more obese men.”
Societal norms do not equate with health. As more and more men experience symptoms of low T, less and less will be able to get access to help, because this threshold continues to go down.
A parallel to this, would be shifting the desired BMI upwards from 23 because the societal norm was 28 or 30. Insane.
The 350 Level Is Influenced By 80 Year Olds
Secondly, this 350mg/dl figure doesn’t just focus on one age group. It also includes the testosterone levels of 70 year old men, 80 year old men, and men even older than this.
Is having the testosterone levels of an 80 year old REALLY going to be good for you at the age of 20? Or even 40?
Think about your work, your training, your fat loss diet. ALL of these things are going to suffer if you’ve got the T levels of an old man. Your entire life is going to be at a snail’s pace, when you need growth the most.
If you want high testosterone in the modern world, you’ve got to take this stuff into your own hands. Try all the natural methods first. Get all the best supplements, testosterone boosters, sleep protocols, and dieting systems in place.
Then get to a hormonal clinic and grab some TRT if you’re still not where you need to be.
Your doctor won’t tell you this.
2. Type 2 Diabetes Is Completely Reversible

Source: Shutterstock
The reality is that Big Pharma is too big to fail.
With Johnson & Johnson raking in $42 billion a year in revenue, AbbVie making $33 billion, and Sanofi making $28 billion, there’s too much money in drugs.
The healthcare industry does not want you solving your own problems. They want to keep you in a position of dependence, because it gives them power over you.
But here’s the truth that they don’t want you to know…
Type 2 Diabetes Is 100% Reversible
Jason Fung has spoken repeatedly about how he has managed to get several patients to reverse their diabetes within a matter of weeks.
By using Alternate Day Fasting to rapidly get the blood glucose levels down to where they need to be, without running into other problems. Here’s the system he followed:
- Three days per week, were 24 hour fasts
- The other four days, were low carb, high protein meals spread throughout the day
Simple as that. Within weeks, their diabetic ‘status’ has been destroyed, without drugs, without expensive consultations, and without any stress.
In addition to Jason’s Intermittent Fasting work, a useful study here reported that Type 2 Diabetes was reversed within 8 weeks of the 11 patients following a 600 calorie a day diet. 600 is very low, and may not be practical in the real world, but their main conclusion was this:
“The abnormalities underlying type 2 diabetes are reversible by reducing dietary energy intake.”
Total energy intake, above all else. A surplus that’s accumulated over many years, must be compensated for, in the form of a severe deficit.
Your doctor won’t tell you this though.
3. Hypertension Is Eliminated Through Your Diet, Not Drugs

Source: Medium
Drugs will only control high blood pressure, if that. They have a fairly miserable success rate of 30-50%, and that’s merely controlling it. Diet however, has the potential to completely eliminate it.
Again, it comes down to bringing carbs and sugar down, which in turn will bring bodyweight down (and therefore blood pressure). The only way to bring bodyweight down, is through DIET (and exercise to some extent). Drugs will NOT do this, if you’re in a calorie surplus, and people with hypertension almost always are. Drugs will not compensate for some kind of eating disorder.
The key to controlling high blood pressure, is to do whatever you can to bring your calories down. It would be smart to avoid alcohol for a while, avoid sugar as much as possible, and focus on eating meat, fish and veggies.
Intermittent Fasting would also be a great habit to build, with longer fasts being better generally speaking.
In addition to your diet, things like magnesium, daily walking, and getting more sunlight can all help when it comes to reducing appetite, and therefore bringing your weight down.
But why will doctors only very briefly tell you this?
Well, the simple fact is that 30 million Americans are already on blood pressure medication, and that figure is only predicted to go UP, making more revenue for these Big Pharma giants.
Doctors also make money through consultations, prescriptions, and various other pathways in most countries, most of the time. They can’t do that when people are 100% healthy, 100% of the time.
4. Antibiotics Destroy Gut Health

Source: Diet Doctor
Quite often when you go for a blood test, inflammation will not even be measured (CRP, ESR, PV are common measurements), despite it being at the root of all disease.
But if it is, and it’s high, doctors will often prescribe you antibiotics inappropriately – again, there’s a slight health problem here.
Antibiotics have the potential to wreak havoc on your stomach, and therefore the rest of your body:
- By depleting levels of healthy bacteria in your gut
- By causing diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
- By weakening your immune system
When in reality, most people most of the time could have solved the issue through better food choices, Intermittent Fasting, activity levels, and sleep.
The reality is that the healthcare industry as a whole, is not motivated by healing you. Only YOU are motivated by healing you.
In doing so, you’ll be happier, healthier, and you’ll also save a ton of cash all at the same time.
Strategies you can look further into include:
- Intermittent Fasting
- Alternate Day Fasting
- Low Carb High Protein meals
- Daily Morning Walks
- Sleep Optimization
- Vitamin D
- Magnesium & Zinc
And simply learning how to eat in a calorie deficit so that you can successfully lose weight. Most of it is diet. Of course, the right fat burning supplements help, but ultimately it comes down to eating a healthy diet, working out, and making good lifestyle decisions. To learn more about fat burning supplements visit