As a business owner, you should be familiar with all the ways you can market your product or brand besides the Internet. Just like marketing before the web, you utilize every possible source to your advantage. Often referred to Traditional Marketing, these marketing activities consist of:
-Outdoor Advertising
-Television Ads
-Newspaper Ads
-Print advertising and more
Sticker Printings
For this article, we are going to be discussing the print advertising and the effect it can have on your business.
Printing has been a part of marketing since long before the use of the Internet. Printing service providers with quality printers can give you the best sticker printings to utilize in your product marketing. More and more business owners are considering sticker printings as an optional way to more product exposure and brand awareness. A good printing service can provide custom sticker printings according to the needs of the customers.
Sticker printings offer you a new way to communicate with your customers through the use of high-quality, well-made stickers. Stickers also have different positive effects on your product promotion and are mainly used to get the best out of both individual and business in terms of:
– Sales promotion
– Advertising
– And Guerilla Marketing
The main role of sticker printings is to increase customer engagement and brand visibility amongst potential customers. It can be used to market both online and offline. If considering sticker printings, companies such as Kiasu Sticker Printing will always work with you on designing the best engaging sticker printing that best suits both your needs and the customers.

Name Card Printing
Printing services around the world are an important member of the traditional marketing family. Like sticker printings, name card printing can have a very positive effect on potential new customers.
When it comes to name card printing, the first thing you should consider is the color of the card. Color has shown to have a positive effect on people because color makes everything more attractive, so why not make your name cards more attractive? Attractive means professional, and if your potential customers see those colorful name cards for your business, they might have a bigger chance of doing business with you and ordering your product.
There are two ways to add the color to your name card.
You can have a single color background with another color text, or maybe if you want to go simpler, then choose a single color background and your picture. This will make your customers remember you better. A lot of printing services, like Kiasu Name Card Printing, will offer you different designs to your name cards in order to get the best deal for you and your customers.
Such name card printing options include:

–Â Â Â Standard Business Name Card Printing
The standard name card printing service, usually the cheapest but offers a real luxurious feel.
–Â Â Â Name Card Printing with Spot UV Finish
A name or business card with a raised glossy texture and unique appeal!
–Â Â Â Digital Printed Business Card
Chose between a Premium art card or Ivory.
–Â Â Â Business Card Printing with Gloss Varnish
These business or name cards are very shiny with gloss varnish.
–Â Â Â Synthetic Business Card Printing
A long-term business or name card is extremely durable.
–Â Â Â Express Name Card Printing
A fast turnout printing of any name or business card.