I recently had the opportunity to speak with Matthew Pillmore, a ‘2 Comma-Club’ award-winning entrepreneur and President of VIP Financial Education. Have you ever wanted to pay off those daunting credit card balances, or your never-ending student loans quickly? Have you ever been bitten by the entrepreneur bug, or dreamed of earning so much money you never had to worry about losing a job or being at risk during another recession? Have you ever seen someone get rich and thought, ‘I would much rather be doing that’? Can you ever imagine paying off that last dollar on your mortgage? Owning that bad boy totally free-and-clear? Well, check, check, and check, from me. That brings me back to this post, you see, many people are arguing that Matthew has discovered a revolutionary way of banking and borrowing money which actually makes some, or even all, of these dreams possible, even for normal people. Oh, and let’s not forget, he and his team offer one-on-one coaching for consumers, investors and business owners (or people like me who could always use a hand) that are interested in ‘beating the banks at their own game’.
Matthew has been an entrepreneur his entire life. Constantly driven by his passion for living a life on his own terms, and according to him, rebelling against what he calls ‘stupid rules’ from the start. While most kids were out playing, Matthew’s goal to ‘do his own thing’ inspired him to start a mini landscaping business at the age of 8, and even formed a formal company with his brothers selling cold sodas at a golf course in his local town. As Matthew explains ‘My parents were always very careful to show us how to manage that money, and also enjoy it, with intention’.
His rebellious nature later continued when he dropped out of college to accept a six-figure position marketing in home security. According to Matthew, ‘college degrees are for dummies and Dr’s.’. His exceptional sales skills earned him another offer just 3 months later to venture into the real estate industry. He accepted and became a founding member of a residential mortgage company focused on real estate investment products.
To separate themselves further from the hyper-competitive 2000’s mortgage marketplace, Matthew started VIP Financial Education and developed a complementary curriculum focused on sharing real estate investing topics.
Starting out teaching to small audiences in the Denver Metro area, his knowledge and perspective were well received, and the audience soon began to grow…and fast. In the two years that followed, Matthew discovered another unique opportunity which would later allow him to study under one of the original creators of the FICO credit scoring algorithm enabling him and his team to unlock the mystery of credit. Matthew reminded me ‘This was the early 2000’s…we didn’t have access to the same resources that have grown for the past 10 years, and credit was something people just didn’t understand.’ Matthew continued to see the impact credit had on him and investors he worked with, yet he found very few people willing to pull back the curtains and revealing the steps needed to maximize borrowing strength.
As Matthew grew the VIP Financial Education brand, he established more and more partnerships with leaders in the personal and business credit industries which resulted in him becoming the youngest certified FICO expert in the country. By 25, he was breaking down the barriers between consumers and ‘the system’, receiving several hundred invitations to guest host radio programs, speaking to the largest REIA’s in the country, and was even getting invited to share credit scoring education on CBS.
It was only a couple years later that Matthew discovered ground-breaking evidence which proved there were substantially better techniques that the average person can use in order to massively reduce the high costs of home-ownership and other debts.
Matthew admits as a ‘rookie’ in business (which he says he still is), that his frustrations only grew when facing scary and often critical financial decisions. He recalls loving the philosophies on leverage taught through the ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ series, but hate the idea of lifelong debt.
He goes on to explain that he has also never agreed with the ‘beans and rice’ approach taught for the past several decades by people like Dave Ramsey. He agrees we should all be ‘Giving and living our best’, but he emphatically separates his abundance mindset from the mindset of restriction and scarcity. He reminds me ‘this is about live a life of freedom, which includes the freedom to be very nice, and also enjoy very nice things’. Let’s not forget, Matthew grew up within a family owned travel agency that after 52 years, is still thriving. Lifestyle and the ability to go anywhere, anytime, and stay as long as you want, is the backbone of his message.
Matthew has since taken his education to social media. With over 500,000 followers through his pages, he is best known for his YouTube presence having grown his base to over 145,000 subscribers with almost 300 videos, and recently earning a Silver Creators Award from YouTube. Yet he confesses, the platform has become a swamp of misinformation and under-qualified financial ’gurus’. This is exactly why its so easy to see why his channel is so popular. He actually takes the time to walk his audience through the math and provide precise steps for entrepreneurs and investors at any level to build wealth faster.
He has several viral videos which include giving exact steps to building 800+ credit scores, or paying off your home within just a handful of years vs 30! He shows people how he has accessed loads of liquid capital and how he uses leverage to build income which he then uses to pay off new or remaining balances even faster. For him, it’s all about rebelling against a system that is built to benefit the banks. His passion for helping people build a legacy oozes through his videos and he even offers a complimentary coaching session to each and every audience member. I was even more impressed to discover that he even commits the time to assess compatibility with every new member personally before moving forward with a paid coaching membership. He is spreading his empowering cash flow building strategies to hundreds of thousands of ambitious people every month. To them, he represents a better life. A life that rebels against the traditional system and allows ordinary people to achieve their goals much faster.
Read more about VIP Financial Education and connect with Matthew Pillmore today at VIPFinancialEd.