Before starting let us ask some questions:
- Are you worried about your relationship status?
- Is your partner annoyed by you?
- Is he/she not taking interest in you?
- Are you going through the hardest time with your spouse?
If yes, then, unfortunately, there is a possibility that your partner is cheating on you and it is the time to catch a cheater. But how to be sure that this is happening? I am discussing some of the points below by which you will get to know about some of the ways to catch a cheating spouse.
1. By phones

Source: abcnews
The first and most common way to keep a check on your partner is through their phones. With technology advancement, it is so much obvious that they are definitely having a telephonic conversation. If they are spending a lot of time on the phone, chatting and smiling then he/she must be cheating.
Keep a check on their phones and messages records.
2. By recorders
We all have recorders in our phones which can be activated for call recording. It is the best and most effective way to catch a cheater. Make it ON in your partner’s phone silently at night without knowing them. The next day check for their recorded calls. I am sure you will definitely find something.
3. By tracking

Source: GPSWOX
The tracking software was made for security purposes. It helped the owner to know about his stolen phone. Luckily this method can be used now to track cheating partners too. ON the GPS on their phones and have their credentials. Simply log in and see the location of their car. Check are they really in the office at 9 A.M? Or, are they hanging out in the club? If found doubtful then its time to split apart.
4. By credit card bills
According to, the other very clever and pro tip is by looking into their credit card bills. If they are spending too much on expensive things but you never get those things then it is the time to have a conversation. It is quite possible that they are cheating.
5. By spy cameras

Source: Amazon
This method is very dramatic just like shown in movies. You can be a detector of your own kind. Install a spy camera just in front of your bed at some dressing area and record all the activities when you are not at home. Check the footage after coming home and catch the suspect.
6. By Smart apps
Do you think that your partner can come in front of you and confess that he is cheating? Or, do you consider him to save the contact of the person by real name for whom he is cheating? If yes, he might be foolish.
To know the real person behind fake name there are many apps available in market that can tell the true identity behind number saved. It is highly recommended to go for that apps.
7. By Secure folders

Source: Android Central
We usually do not keep our normal pictures in the secure folder. But what if someone does? That is a clear sign that he is hiding something. To know more, check their secure folders. They must keep their private and cheated photos and other stuff in the secret folder.
8. By Unplanned meet ups
Unplanned meet ups trick is my all-time favourite. Ask your partner to meet up or visit their apartment without informing them. If they get irritated and shocked by your visit then you are clever enough to judge why is this so.
These were some of the very effective ways to catch a cheater. Implement any one of them and save your relationship.