There are a few things to consider when choosing the best lens for you. And this decision should be done along with your eye doctor to advise you on the factors that come into play.
But, you shouldn’t fear as you have plenty of options to choose from. There are lenses that are designed to help you improve your eye vision, and there are even contact lenses that change the color of your eyes. But the single most important thing to understand when buying the best lenses, for you is to do it with great care and caution.
Source: popsci.comWhat Are My Options?
There are two basic options for you to choose from: hard and soft lenses. Statistically, 9 out of 10 people wear soft lenses, as confirmed by most eye doctors. Only about 10 % of people wear hard lenses, this is because hard lenses are usually the better choice for people suffering from astigmatism. There are also medical conditions in which protein deposits form on the contact lens.
Once you’ve decided between hard or soft lenses, there are multiple categories of lenses available to you.
1. Daily Wear Lenses
Usually regarded as the least expensive solution, daily wear contact lenses are required to be taken out daily, and replaced on a select schedule. Replacing the lens is required, and this varies by type and brand and can be done from every few weeks to every few months.

Source: Optical Effects Vision Center
2. Colored Contact Lenses
The best contact lenses in regards to appearance, colored contact lenses change the color of your eyes. These lenses will make you look different, giving you the option of something you’ve never had. Colored contact lenses can even enhance your natural eye color, and they can be worn for purely cosmetic purposes, or to correct your vision. These lenses can come in the form of one-time use or normal lenses. They are fairly reasonably priced, and they can offer your eye a different form. They can be cheap circle lenses, and a lot of brands are making these lenses available to the public eye – “see what I did there.” The array of color can vary from brown and hazel to pink circle. As we said, they can be for one-time use, one week use, one month use, multiple months uses, and more. Colored contact lenses can also vary in size, with some being as small as 12 mm, to up to 14.5 mm. The basic curvature of these lenses can range from 8.4 to up to 8.9.

3. Lens For Extended Wear
These lenses are more convenient than others because they can be worn overnight and only require once per week to be cleaned. Although, wearing lens overnight is something that no eye doctor will recommend you. Forget the fact that they are extended wear contact lenses from, no one should sleep with their lenses because of the alarming signs that are occurring during sleep. Namely, when we sleep, we create a dry and less oxidated environment in which infections like bacteria, amoeba, and other alarming microscopic animals thrive in. If you sleep with your contact lenses, you are taking the risk of eye infections, which can lead to some alarming diseases that might lead to permanent loss of eye vision.