We are constantly being bombarded with advice on being healthier people, we have diets and workout plans all over the internet and social media and there are consent debates about how to live a healthier lifestyle. Beyond all of the fanfare however, what many people fail to go into in sufficient detail is exactly why we are supposed to be healthy, what exactly is in it for us. Now if you were to believe everything that you read then you probably would never eat anything again through fear of becoming sick, but the sensible approach is to just understand what being unhealthy, or not looking after your mental and physical health can do.
To help us get into this we have health expert Jessica Leonard with us, who speaks to a lot of people regarding why they should be doing better at looking after their health. There are many benefits to looking after your health and these are which you will be able to count on when you do.
The food we eat and the weight that we carry can be directly linked to our levels of energy and our levels of activity. If you are overweight then it stands to reason that you are going to lack energy and have far less mobility when it comes to getting involved in activities. This results in us sitting down a great deal and the secondary impact of that is that you are going to start having muscle and bone problems. Playing with children, doing things with friends, they are all at risk if you do not look after your health.
Later Life
Even if your youth helps you to avoid health issues right now, living a life of gluttony or at least living an unhealthy life will come back to bite you in later years, and you’ll have a tinge of regret when it does. Those people who suffer heart conditions or who contract cancer in later years is often down to having not looked after their health well enough throughout their life. With regard to mental health, we can also see that many later life diseases like Alzheimer’s can be linked to people who have been overly stressed for many years or who haven’t given enough attention to resting and recuperating.
If you get sick it is going to cost you a great deal of money, even if you do have solid insurance. This is something which people fail to recognize and not only this, if you get really sick then you are going to be limited in terms of being able to work if you can work at all, which means that you will also have lost the source of making money.
Being physically and mentally healthy will ensure that you are incredibly productive in your job and at home. You will have more energy and a better approach to things than if you are not healthy and this is going to bring with it a great deal of positivity. Those who are overweight for example can be very sluggish and lazy, their brains don’t function at 100% becasue of their weight and this makes them far less productive at work and at home. Those who are healthy in body and mind have more get-up-and-go about them and they are far more likely to be able to work for longer and at a higher level.
Your happiness is greatly helped by being healthy, and who doesn’t want to live a happy life? When you are putting good food into your body and feeling better, as a result, you will see things differently than before and you will also feel much more positive and optimistic. Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t always the most fun, but the consequences of doing so will ensure that you have a much greater love for life and this will positively impact your relationships too.
More Confident
Being healthy is directly linked to your confidence levels and whilst some people who aren’t healthy come across as confident, in the main they are using this as a defense mechanism. True confidence is massively helped by looking after the health and when you are feeling good physically and mentally, you will find that you walk, talk and act with much more confidence than ever before.
In truth living healthy is not difficult, it is about eating the right things, ensuring that you get enough exercise and also ensuring that you drink plenty of water. In terms of mental health, always ensure that you have someone to talk to and that you understand how you can relax when things are getting to you. Do this and you can count on all of these benefits in your life.