Ostensibly, Into The Badlands hasn’t been treated with fairness by AMC of late. Don’t ask why. Badlands was nowhere in sight despite The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead and Preacher, all made to appear at SDCC 2018 in San Diego by AMC. Into The Badlands’ fans weren’t happy with this. In fact, they had to clamor, for the show to be made appear at NYCC 2018. They couldn’t just jeep mum.
For long, we’ve discussed the fact that AMC isn’t handling Badlands as fairly as it deserves, by neglecting it. And we’re saying this from evidence. Look at this: Most recently at San Diego Comic-Con 2018, the AMC network actually kept Badlands at arm’s length, bringing three of it’s other shows to the convention. Badlands wasn’t included at all.

THIS IS IT! Our official #petition to tell @AMC_TV to send @IntotheBadlands to @NY_Comic_Con https://t.co/gdpFwDlcyC @danielwuyanzu @ShermanAugustu2 @TheLewisTan @Emily_Beecham @orla_brady @AramisKnight88 @allytheninja @nickjfrost @BabouCeesay… https://t.co/gdpFwDlcyC
— Third Person Podcast (@thirdpersonpod) July 18, 2018
Thanks for your love and support guys! We will continue to crank out the best work we can regardless. https://t.co/MrkUjBcpWB
— Daniel Wu (@danielwuyanzu) July 21, 2018