“I’m constantly telling girls all the time everything is airbrushed, everything is retouched to the point it’s not even asked. None of us look like that. … It’s a form of violence in the way that we look at women and the way we expect them to look and be for what sake? Not for health, survival, not for enjoyment of life, but just so you could look pretty.”

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Rosario Dawson talks body image and airbrushing in Shape magazine. She also said that she lost a lot of weight to play Mimi in “Rent” because her character was supposed to be a dope addict with AIDS. But instead of telling her she looked sick, the actress said she got tons of compliments. “I remember everyone asking what did you do to get so thin? You looked great,” she said. “I looked emaciated.” Oh, Rosario, I love you so. [CNN]
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