Glo is revolutionizing the online yoga community. This company provides online yoga and meditation videos that can be accessed from any place, at any time. Glo allows you to embark on your own journey as it tailors itself to your life. Here are some reasons why online yoga is the future.
World-Renowned Teachers
You’ll get access to the best teachers from around the world. Do you wish you could attend yoga classes by a teacher whose book you read, or you found on Instagram? Most yoga teachers that have a large following offer online yoga classes so they can reach a global audience.
Some of them may even offer live-streaming videos. This allows you to interact with your favorite teacher in real time, ask questions, and get feedback on your alignment poses. They’ll be able to see you too and address any issues to ensure proper alignment. You can ask questions and get immediate feedback from these highly trained instructors.

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Practice on Your Own Terms
There’s great flexibility with taking an at-home practice. Most people juggle families, jobs, and other responsibilities. It can be hard to carve in time for a yoga class at a nearby studio. Some days you’re only able to squeeze in a short session. Other days, you want to stretch out and relax a little longer.
Online yoga classes give you control over your practice. You can choose the time and day when you want to practice. You can also select the right course that fits your time range. If you wish to exercise early in the morning or late at night, you can choose a class that ranges from 20 minutes to as long as 90 minutes.
Take Breaks Whenever You Want
The only option in a live class is to take an allotted time for Child’s Pose. You’ll miss a huge chunk of that class if you stay in that pose or if you keep taking breaks. Online yoga classes allow you to press “pause” whenever you want. You can take a break to rest or do laundry. Take each of the classes at your own pace and convenience without missing anything important.
You won’t feel as if you’re falling behind your peers. As stated before, you have complete control over your practice. You can choose to push yourself or take it easy whenever you want. That’s the beauty and convenience of having an at-home yoga practice.

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Pick a Class That’s Best-Suited For You
You can pick a class that works for you on that day. There’s a yoga sequence for every mood. If you’re feeling lazy, you probably should take a Restorative Yoga class. If you want more energy, then a Power class may benefit you more. With online yoga classes, you can choose from a variety of sequences that work with your breath depending on the day.
No Waiting in Traffic
You don’t have to prepare yourself to go to the yoga studio and wait in traffic for an hour. Glo’s online videos allow you to gain experience inside your home or office. You can practice from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. The only commute is to walk a few minutes to the front of your screen and roll out your mat.

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Cheaper Prices
Teachers set their own prices for traditional classes. They can range from $10 to $30 each. This can get expensive if you go to the yoga studio multiple times per week or month. Most online yoga classes offer free videos, a free trial, and a monthly membership to access all of the videos and content. In the long run, it’s cheaper than traditional yoga studios.
Glo provides online yoga classes for people of all walks of life. You get access to a wide variety of yoga sequences and meditation classes. Glo makes yoga accessible to everyone. These online tools and classes can help you reach your inner potential.