You can be a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or simply a concerned friend. But the fact that you’re looking into this article today tells me that you have a woman in your life who seems a bit down or lonely lately. A female friend might be going through a self-defeating phase because she’s been single for way too long. A wife may be refusing to spend nights with you because “it’s getting old”. Or maybe, a girlfriend is having a birthday and you want to give her a sizzling surprise!
Well, whatever your reasons are, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re going to help you choose the most perfect dildo for your woman. Okay, that sounded a little weird – but hey, that’s why we’re all here today, right?
Before you go on a dildo search on the internet, however, you first have to be sure that this is what your girl wants. You have to understand that handing someone a sex toy as a gift can escalate things to a whole different level – and I do mean that in either the best or worst way possible. Unless it’s kind of a normal thing for you guys, you might want to check if she’s into these kinds of stuff. Who knows? Maybe she’s not into dildos but she’s more a vibe-play woman. Check this out.

Source: Cosmopolitan
Remember: When choosing a gift, you have to consider the other person’s wants and needs – not yours. You have to satisfy their fetishes, not yours. Again, this isn’t about you.
Anyway, moving on, there are so many types of dildos being sold on the market. They can differ from being super cute and cartoony to being too surreal and realistic. We have classic dildos and we also have those advanced, battery-operated ones. Whatever the kind, one thing is for sure: The right toy will make any woman scream of pleasure.
Here Are 3 Tips You Should Consider When Buying The Perfect Dildo
1. The Size
You often hear people say “It’s not about the size; it’s about the performance.” While there is some truth to that line, I can’t help but think that people who say this have really small penises, lol. But hey, some women really do like it small. But of course, a majority of them likes ‘em bigger. Now, there are three ways a dildo can be sized: long and slender, a little short but thick and the average penis which is anywhere 4-5 inches long. According to this Sex Toy Education website, for your girl to have the best experience with her plaything (and for you to enjoy the show as well), you may want to pick up hints and clues about what she likes. Maybe make a hilarious conversation out of it and just subtly slip in the question.

Source: Girl on the Net
2. The Texture
Yes, my friends. Aside from the usual flesh-imitating dildo, we have many other textures available in the market. Some are dotted for an added sensation while others are “spiked” for women who have a fetish for hard sex. If this is your first time giving your girl a plaything, it would be best to start with something wholesome. You don’t want her to feel too surprised upon opening her present, right? Adult play can be something very new to her so you would want to introduce her to this world little by little. But if you feel like your girl is ready for it, then one of those spiky thingies will definitely make nights feel more exciting.
3. The Design
Lastly, you may also want to consider the design of the toy. Some dildos are simply vertical. They look too straight even, like a piece of firewood. There are also those that bend towards the end. Now, this one is something I find more realistic. I mean, I don’t think men have straight penises, do you? They often bend it towards their thighs (especially when they’re wearing skinny jeans) so it kind of bends down in the long run. I think the latter is a better choice. The bent part can also help locate a woman’s G-spot or pleasure area so it helps.

Source: Jack and Jill Adult
Also, there are dildos that double as vibrators. When you insert them, there’s a button that you can push so that the toy vibrates inside. Instead of buying your girl a separate vibrator, this two-in-one dildo will definitely make things easier for you – cheaper too!
That’s it. All that’s left for you to do now is shop yourself and find something that speaks to both of you. Choosing the toy yourself is a must since it is what will create the connection. So never ever have someone else choose it, okay? It’ll be weird anyway.
Well, have responsible fun!