After realizing the damaging effects of indoor life, people are looking for fun ways to spend their free time. For some, visiting the open air is a cure, and for others, it’s a precaution. But this pill will get a lot sweeter if we take it with a tang.
However, not everyone is suited for every sport. Neither everyone has the opportunity to play every game.
So, here we are listing 10 of the most trendy and fun games that are also incredibly good for your health. We have also looked at some other factors like social recognition and institutional benefits.
Here is our top ten list:
1. Skateboarding

Source: warehouseskateboards
Skateboarding has to be the coolest sport on the list. Yes, all the outdoor games are cool, but skateboarding has a different vibe to it. It is a little hard to pick up the rhythm, but eventually, you will get to a point where boarding can be a matter of relaxation to you.
Skateboarding can be freestyle, or it can abide by certain rules. It needs skills, balance, and practice. And if you have all of these, get ready to be the center of a crowd. Check More Skateboarding Tips at
2. Cycling

Source: Rutland Cycling
Cycling has the perfect balance of fun and benefits. You are burning a massive amount of calories while enjoying the bliss of outdoors.
Moreover, the trend in cycling seems to be not going anywhere any time soon. And, many types of competitive cycling has also emerged as in international sports. They are:
- Time trailing
- Track cycling
- Freestyle BMX
- Mountain bike trailing
- Mountain bike racing
Even if you are not in the sport, you can cycle for the sheer joy of it. Furthermore, it is also becoming a popular method of commuting.
3. Running

Source: runtastic
Many people call it the perfect sport. Some might be surprised by this statement. So, we are gonna make good on our word by showing you why this is better than almost all other sports.
First of all, it’s the best exercise. And perhaps the only racing sport where you don’t need a helmet. So, we can assume the hidden fact of safety in the running. Furthermore, it is also inexpensive and doesn’t require fields, stadiums, or any specific place.
Finally, it is a direct cure to many diseases, such as diabetes and heart conditions.
4. Swimming

Source: Swimming
If there is any competition to running for being the best sport, it is swimming. Swimming is better than running almost in every way, but the two things. Firstly, you need to have a place to swim. And second, you need to know how to swim.
However, not being able to swim is not an excuse. Swim burns a massive amount of calories and improves cardiopulmonary capacity. It increases flexibility and rejuvenates your immune system. According to experts, it’s also a source of self-esteem and stress release.
Lastly, swimming gets you in amazing shape worthy of some Instagram clicks.
5. Baseball

Source: wbsc
Baseball is the national sport of the United States of America. Isn’t that a reason enough to love this sport?
However, we have more for you. Like any other outdoor sport, it improves your health. As it is a team game, you also learn to work collectively, which is very important for kids and teenagers.
Moreover, it can also earn you an extracurricular point that a lot of educational institutes look for. And if you are good enough, it can also become a profession for you. Anyway, the social recognition of being a good baseball player is tremendous in different parts of the country.
6. Surfing

Source: Australian Chiropractors Association
Do you know what the best part of surfing is?
You don’t break bones when you fall.
This is the closest you will get to the silver surfer. However, there are certain limits to surfing. The biggest of them is having a proper location to surf. And you also need a lot of spare time to pick that perfect wave.
Now, don’t get me started on the beach life. From the origin of surfing to the modern-day, surfing has been one of a kind outdoor sport.
7. Parkour

Source: youtube
Don’t know what parkour is? You gotta be kidding me.
Parkour is moving rapidly in an area by overcoming many physical obstacles with acrobatic moves.
Oh, so now you remember…!
You might think about whether it is a sport. But hey, we don’t need to get technical. As long as it is fun, competitive, and outdoors, it counts on this list.
Although you will see many parkour tournaments around the world, if you live in an urban area, you can practice it too. But you need to do it under the supervision of an experience parkour runner.
8. Paintball

Source: Head Topics
Paintball is a team shooting sport. Ever felt like paying hunger games. Paintball will give you the same fun without the killing part.
You will have guns, protective gear, paint grenades, paintballs, and a compressed air gun. The balls are gelatin capsules with dye-filled in them. Paintball is similar to laser tag, but it is played outside. The rules vary from game to game. But here are a list of some common paintball game types:
- Woodsball
- Scenario
- MilSim
- Speedball concept
- Strategy
It is also played in different venues. You can have a wild or urban environment. It can even be humanmade obstacles.
9. Tennis

Source: royaltennisclub
Tennis is a sport that can be played one vs. one and in teams. It is an enjoyable and decent sport among outdoor sports. It is popular in North and South America, Europe, and Asia.
Playing tennis is also highly beneficial to health according to studies. People who haven’t played tennis will never realize the intensity of hard labor this game takes. Moreover, it has a very low injury record compared to other outdoor sports.
10. American football

Source: sbnation
It would be ridiculous if I had to spend too many words on this game. You guys are already crazy over NFL, especially if you are from the south.
You have strategies, teamwork, deceptions, rivalry, muscle everything here. One who plays this game has to be an all-rounder in the outdoor. And people good at this game has another level of acceptance in our society. We can’t leave that out, can we? Lastly, it also helps you with your academics.
As you can see that outdoor sports get you in real life. It teaches you essential lessons like group work and strategy. Games help you to blend in with your society and flourish.
The benefits are countless. You have to do it to know it.