The advent of the internet didn’t just bring us together, it enabled us to better, the things we’ve always done from time immemorial. One of such things is crowdfunding. It’s not new for a community to contribute to get a resource that will benefit every member of the community in the long run but the internet has taken the ease with which this is done to another level. More people are even finding and joining communities they never thought was in existence before the internet.
Here, we take a look at some of the online crowdfunding communities that have consistently been favored by the populace.
img source: norbertbiedrzycki.pl1. Cryptocurrency
The bitcoin fever didn’t just start today, for about the past 5 years, those that were early to the cryptocurrency frenzy were supporting virtually any infrastructure being developed to support the growth of digital currencies and assets. One would have thought the initial nerdy nature of cryptocurrency would make many people shy away from projects that were springing up on major crowdfunding websites, but it was for this same reason many cryptocurrency campaigns found success.
While normalcy is seemingly returning to the crypto world with many people taking time out to fully understand the inner workings of digital currencies and transaction before blindly investing, crowdfunding as a means of fundraising for crypto companies hasn’t slowed down as initial coin offerings and development of platforms for cryptocurrency exchange is now the new wave.

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2. Video Games
This one amazes me every time. There’s this unending love for games. It seems like every teenager generation will forever be addicted to video games. Go to any crowdfunding site of your choice, you will realize that the gaming category is full of successful campaigns. The only games that don’t get attention are the ones that are poorly made or presented. If you do your homework, you should get young and even mature game lovers asking you to take their money just to experience the new virtual world you’ve created for them.
Not to be repetitive, it still baffles me to know that people are constantly backing campaigns for video game creations in developed world’s when crowdfunding in Nigeria and other African countries hasn’t taken off yet.

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3. Board Game
Thought we were done with games right? You’re wrong. It turns out that good old fashioned board games still have a place in the heart of many game lovers. Who would have thought! I actually this is kind of cute. It’s always good to know that members of the next generation will still get to experience dice rolling, moving of figures from one part of a board to another and trying to escape penalties.

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4. Computing Hardware
The term “computing hardware” has quite a range. It covers new generation calculators, personal computers, and any hardware that in any way uses a central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer data storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers or motherboard. That’s basically every tech gadget. Yes, that’s the name we’re going with- tech gadget.
I can clearly see the reason why this would be a big category. We’re always fascinated with physical devices that can carry out tasks for us based on instructions we give through interfacing software.