Have you had trouble locating an incarcerated person in Ohio? If so, it is crucial that you have a roster search done. The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction maintains a daily roster of all individuals housed within the correctional system. This list goes further to include time of admission, date of parole eligibility, county or city location, gender, ethnicity, number of days incarcerated, sentence classification, and sentence type.
Roster searches are a vital tool for finding someone in Ohio. By law, all persons in custody in Ohio correctional institutions are required to be included on a roster. As a result, any person who is incarcerated in Ohio will be on the roster. There are many different ways for you to go about tracking down an incarcerated person using a roster search.
Roster searches are useful for locating an incarcerated person when there is no other way to contact them. To track down someone who has been incarcerated in Ohio, use this guide and find out how to search for them on rosters and in jail and prison records.
What is an Inmate Roster Search?

Source: halt.org
The state of Ohio requires that incarcerated persons be listed on a statewide roster. The names, addresses, physical descriptions, locations, dates of incarceration, sentence type, sex, ethnicity, and other pertinent information are provided on the roster and any record in which it appears. If someone is arrested and incarcerated in Ohio, it will be on their record.
Inmate rosters are important for both law enforcement and other individuals in Ohio to make use of to help locate an incarcerated person in the state. They are especially helpful to family and friends of people who are incarcerated without their family’s knowledge.
By using an inmate searcher in Ohio, like this one, friends and family can track down an incarcerated loved one who is being held on felony charges or in a county jail. An inmate search will provide all relevant information that is contained on the individual’s roster in order to locate the person or residence.
When someone is arrested, the police will file a report to include their name and other details. Ohio law requires that this information be public to protect the rights of all citizens. As such, it can be accessed by completing a roster search in person or online.
What can an Inmate Roster Search be used for?
Ohio’s inmate search is useful for locating an incarcerated person in Ohio, whether they are in jail or state prison, if they are incarcerated in another state, or if they are on parole or probation. An inmate search is most useful when there is no other way to reach an incarcerated person. In such instances, using an inmate search is often the fastest and most efficient way to locate the person.
Tips on Using an Inmate Roster Search in Ohio

Source: ajc.com
The success of an inmate roster search relies on both thorough and careful research, which can take some time to complete. Below are some tips that will assist you in finding an incarcerated person:
Start the search at the jail/prison level, and then check every state or county jail in which the person could have been incarcerated. This can be time-consuming in Ohio, which has 108 jails in 88 counties. An inmate is usually listed in at least one jail. Even if the person is not on the list, you may be able to find another facility to check.
If the person was on probation or parole, a record in which that person’s information is listed is very useful. This is especially true if the person was under probation or parole for a misdemeanor or felony offense. It is essential that you follow the rules for obtaining parole records, including being in contact with the inmate’s probation officer before contacting the inmate’s local prison or correctional facility.
Be sure to make note of the inmate’s sex, ethnicity, age, and birthday on the roster to be able to locate the person in a later search.
Once an inmate search is complete, compare the person’s information against their local jail or prison records to make sure there is no discrepancy.
Some Tips for Writing a Letter or Sending a Package To an Inmate
Sending letters to inmates is a good way to keep in touch and give the person a bit of optimism, which is often needed in their situation. However, you want to be very careful of exactly what you send to an inmate.
All mail sent to inmates is censored and searched for contraband, so it is important that you follow the rules when sending mail to an inmate. Different correctional facilities will have different rules regarding mail to inmates, so it is important to know exactly what you are allowed to send to an inmate.
Most correctional facilities will have a list of allowed items on their website, but if you can’t find that information online, you should call the facility and confirm what it will allow you to send.

Source: thefix.com
For example, while many people think inmates are allowed to receive books, this is often untrue. Books, especially hardcovers, are strictly controlled in prison facilities, limiting inmates reading material solely to what is available in the facility’s library. For prisons that allow inmates to receive books, many require that any books sent are brand-new and sealed, which means secondhand books are not allowed.
Another common item that people think is permitted in prison is postage stamps. However, while postage stamps may be purchased in the prison commissary, they are restricted to be used only for official purposes and are not permitted to be used for mail or packages.
Sending money is also something to confirm with the facility. Most facilities require that any money sent to an inmate is done through a money order or cashier’s check, or electronically deposited to the inmate’s account. However, some facilities have additional rules for sending money to an inmate.
Overall, you’ll be surprised to find that many items you think are perfectly fine for sending to inmates are actually tightly regulated, so always do your diligent research and verify with the correctional facility to make sure you are sending things that will not be confiscated.