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Should you go bare or full bush?
We’ve seen an obsession with shaving and waxing of pubic hair in the last few years. Women and men have been opting to go hairless down there in addition to other body parts. Why? Well some people hate body hair. Others find intimate moments more pleasurable without hair getting in the way. Some men even claim that their genitals look bigger with less pubic hair (from a female perspective it doesn’t, sorry guys).
BUT before you grab that razor, here are some things you may want to think about.
Body Hair

Source: Twitter @MysteryCrow17
We used to be COVERED in body hair. We starting shedding it around 100,000 years ago after the ice age. We retained some course hair in our underarms and privates that appear during puberty because it’s a signal that we are ready to mate.
And while some subcultures and individuals may love a big ol’ bear, the more common fashion in the West is a clean-shaven or at least a well-manicured body.
But before you run to go shave it all off to follow the latest trends, keep these facts in mind first!
Au Naturale

Credit: Vladimir Gjorgiev/Shutterstock
Many believe that keeping your pubic hair helps with friction during the deed.
If you decide to shave everything off, get ready for more skin-to-skin contact. While that might sound like a nice thing, but only if you’re into more sweat, red bumps, and the ever-awkward skin-farting sound that can really kill the moment while getting it on.

Source: YouTube @AsapSCIENCE
Pubic hair also helps you body expel sweat. The hair follicles secrete various things like pheromones and protein that potential lovers can pick up on.
Without the hair down there, get ready for your body to turn into a veritable slip and slide. And for guys, while hair around back and in the crack may be unsightly, it serves the same purpose. Can you say “swamp ass”?

Credit: BlueSkyImage/Shutterstock
Shaving and waxing can cause microtears in the skin, which lead to openings for bacteria to get into for infections or even increase your odds of catching an STI.
Wax On, Wax Off

Source: The Lash & Wax Boutique
Aside from the small tears and lesions, waxing can severely impact your hair follicles, leading to ungainly bumps, rashes, and infections.
These bumps usually only last a few days, but many people would agree it’s never worth the sight or discomfort!
Hot Air

Source: Glamour
Human bodies are strange and beautiful things, and everyone knows that we can’t (and shouldn’t be!) graceful all the time. We’re animals, after all, and our bodies are fascinating machines that work in ways we may not always want them too.
Anybody without a decent amount of pubic hair may already deal with issues like sweat, but what about gas?
Whether it’s from the front or back, air escaping the body can always been awkward, albeit totally natural. But if you’ve never gone bare down there before, don’t expect to sneak a quiet one out in public as easily as before. Any man who has experienced this in the back, or a woman who may have had it happen in the front will know that without natural hair, gas can slide out much faster—and louder—than before, without any cushioning to stop it.
You’ve been warned!

Source: StyleCraster
This one is specifically for the ladies.
If you shave or wax or remove your body hair in any other way, you know just how much time and work and pain and effort and preparation go into it. We’ve all cut ourselves, been late to events, been nervous for dates, and for what? What’s better than foregoing shaving to wear pants all winter? And why did we even start shaving off our body hair in the first place if men don’t “have” to?
Many societies around the world expect women to be clean-shaven. And what for? To be more appealing and pleasurable for men? If you’ve had enough, then ditch the razor and tell your partner to accept you for who and how you are. If they can do it, so can we.
Or if you don’t want to stop altogether, at least consider a conversation with your partner about what and where would be fun or even polite to shave… just make sure they hold up their end of the bargain, too!
Live Your Truth

Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock
Aside from the medical concerns associated with shaving or waxing, there’s a basic question you be asking yourself first anyway: Why?
Are you going bare down there because YOU want to? Because it makes you look or feel better? Or because it’s just “the thing” to do?
Society can have a major impact even on the most intimate aspects of our lives, and how we style our body and even our pubes is no different from the daily grind we see even with the clothes on our back. Fashion trends don’t only affect what we wear, it affects how we live, and it’s all a money game. Do you really want to succumb to that lifestyle just because everyone else is doing it?
Need more info? Video time!

What ever your preference, remember it’s your body! No one should tell you what to do with it!
Know someone who goes bare or full bush? Then please SHARE this with them!
Original by Dru Marie Allen