Men choose computers primarily by power or number of functions, while for women, design and practicality of computer technology are far more important. These are the results that numerous studies have shown on this topic.
Men And Women – Different Choices

Source: techradar
While men prefer more complicated management as a challenge, women choose simplicity and convenience. They see no reason why things should be so complicated. If computers were manufactured for women, they would be much more user-friendly and would not have some often unnecessary features. The colour is also very important to the ladies, and they usually choose shades of red, purple or pink. According to computer equipment marketers, when buying a laptop or desktop computer, women pay more attention to design and colour than features, while men generally look at performances.
Is Computer Design Really As Important As Women Think?

Source: thoughtco
The design is a special story, which should be the “last thing” – but in reality, it is not so. Today, laptop design is one of the most important criteria, but not in terms of easy performance, but in terms of beauty. More than men, women pay attention not only to the appearance of the computer but also to the layout of the desktop icons, the background image, the colours or the size of the font. In general, as inspired and detail-oriented customers, female consumers have put computer retailers in a difficult exam. Not only do they require a high level of service – courtesy of salespeople and a wide selection of goods – but ladies have a different approach to shopping themselves.
Women Like Photos

Source: madamenoire
When we refer to photography, we mostly think of photos taken with a digital camera stored on a computer or the Internet. For this reason, we can conclude that the role of computers in photography is enormous, from the very creation of the image to its refinement and adaptation. With the development of social networks, we have all become even more “photographers” than we used to be. Certainly, women are in the lead. The reasons for taking lots of photos are very different.
Some women just love to be exposed, some love to make memories for future times, and some have made a good business out of photography and become well-known bloggers who are making good money out of it. Whatever category you belong to – the fact is that every woman has a bunch of photos on her computer. What we are thinking less about is how we are keeping them. Do you know how well your photos are stored? What if one day they just disappear from your computer? Here’s the answer.
Where Have My Photos Gone?

Your data is scattered all over your computer. Even if you put your documents in the Documents folder and pictures in Pictures – various important things are automatically enrolled in places that the average user doesn’t even know exist. All of this information may not be essential, but you still feel uncomfortable when you lose it, so you have to spend hours reconfiguring everything.
How To Get Your Pictures Back?

Source: social.hays
The first thing you need to do when you notice that you are missing an important file or a photo – stop working on that computer! This is because when your computer’s operating system deletes a file, it actually only marks the space that the file occupied on the hard disk as free. So the file is still there, but the computer considers it perfectly suited to “overwrite”. If this overwriting happens, the process of recovering the file becomes much more difficult and sometimes impossible. So, work on that computer as little as possible until the important file is safely restored.
The second step is finding the right data recovery program. Depending on which operating system you are using, you have several solutions that might help, provided you have followed the first step. There are many applications, both free and chargeable, that can successfully perform the task of recovering deleted files.
Leave The Problem Solving to Experts
Whether we want to admit it or not – women are not always the most skilled in these technical matters. Besides, it often happens that when using online data restoration programs and applications – we create even more chaos and almost completely lose the ability to bring our images back into place. This can happen not only with photos but with any file on our computer. Keep this in mind, especially if you keep important job-related data or files of vital importance to your computer. Given the fact that most of us are not narrowly specialized in the field of data recovery – this means that we can do additional harm.
What Do Data Recovery Experts Say?

Source: ontrack
Professionals in this field claim that in most cases when data has been completely lost – the “human factor” has played a major role. Therefore, we do not recommend that you do anything on your own. It is best in this situation to contact professionals. According to SalvageDataRecovery experts, data recovery requires a great deal of knowledge in this area, and very often special conditions such as the cleanroom in which the entire procedure takes place.
The cleanroom is a space where the presence of microparticles is minimized. This space can vary in size, shape and degree of cleanliness, but the essence is the same – it is necessary to provide controlled conditions for the presence of certain particles in a cubic meter. You can’t do this alone at home, right?
The Best Ways To Save Your Data

Source: datanumen
Photos, music, movies, or whatever you want to save, can disappear in an instant if, say, your computer is attacked by a virus. Therefore, you should not keep the data you want to store on your computer, but in a safe place. There are several ways to save them. See which one works best for you.
1. Old Fashioned
An old-fashioned but convenient way to store data. The cost of the cutter and the discs themselves is low. The disks have a capacity of 4.7 GB, which is sufficient for a large number of photos and music. However, this is a rather old-fashioned way of storing, and it should be borne in mind that disks are most susceptible to damage and therefore data loss.
Positive sides: Availability and price
Negative sides: Low capacity, easily damaged
2. In Widespread Use
There are several manufacturers, and external hard drives vary mostly in data capacity and write speed. External drives are a great choice when you need to transfer or store a large amount of data. Managing them is easy and the potential for physical damage is significantly lower than with CDs. However, if the hard drive connects to a large number of computers, there is a possibility of infection.
Positive sides: Security and price
Negative sides: Possibility of infection, slow data transmission
3. Modern
There are specialized websites, ie services where users leave all their data and can store data on the Internet. Then the user can access them at any time via any device connected to the Internet. However, there is often a limit to the size of storage space.
Positive sides: Fast storage, multi-site access
Negative sides: Size of space, internet access required