You don’t want to wear permanent tooth braces? Now you can wear braces that are not visible with the bare eye.
They are placed on the tongue side of the teeth or in the form of transparent splints. The fashion for wearing them started with stars such as Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and even Princess Kate and Prince William.
The world is crazy about white and straight smiles. We want our smile to be like smiles of Hollywood stars, and we use Cheryl Cole, Jessica Alba and Angelina Jolie as an example – the most frequently copied smiles today. The problem, however, is that we still have some resistance to orthodontic treatment, the only one effective solution that provides a straight smile.
We are often ashamed of our appearance in the metal braces. However, there are alternatives to the traditional method. More and more popular transparent braces are a great solution for the people who don’t want to wear permanent braces. Today we can choose from several types.
The first is a special, transparent splints perfectly matched to the teeth, the second is the so-called lingual braces, i.e., braces put on from the lingual side of the teeth. The fashion for them started with Hollywood stars. Invisible splints were worn by Justin Bieber and Khloe Kardashian, while the lingual braces by Princess Kate, Miley Cyrus and Justin Theroux, the star of the series “Left.”
Innovative braces – transparent tooth aligners
A novelty in the dental industry – Clear Up aligners. In the therapy with its use, a series of transparent masks applied to the dental arch are used, which move the teeth to the desired position at each stage of the treatment. Their number during the treatment depends on the complexity of the malocclusion.
The overlays are removable and are worn every day from 20 to 22 hours. This solution applies to most malocclusions, there are practically no limitations. Thanks to this method it is also possible to eliminate diastema, i.e., gaps between teeth, restore symmetry to the face and eliminate speech defects caused by poor tooth spacing or occlusion defects. Orthodontic treatment with the use of a splint improves the contour of the mouth, is able to rejuvenate the smile, and prevents the appearance of mimic wrinkles around the mouth.
Advantage? The overlays on the teeth are completely invisible due to the flexible and transparent material they are made of. – The overlays are perfectly matched and are made from precise jaw impressions, which are made before the treatment begins.
You can learn more about this method here:
Rolls Royce among braces
The popular solution today is the Incognito lingual splint. It is made of a special alloy of gold and iridium, and it is put on from the inside of the teeth so that when you smile, you will not see locks, wires, or snaps. These braces are individually designed, dimensionally adjusted to the shape, size, and unevenness of the teeth, thanks to which they are so discreet and undetectable. The braces can only be seen after the tongue has been raised.