For sale: 24-karat gold pills that “turn your innermost parts into chambers of wealth.” At $425 a poop, I mean a pop, your shit will be flecked with pure gold flakes when you swallow these luxurious vitamins.
“Like an addict, all I want is more. Like celebrity and celebrity culture, demand for luxury items is completely created,” said the designers, Tobi Wong and Ju$t Another Rich Kid, who originally created the pills as part of an art project in 2006. Wong has since passed away.
Sadly, something which it seems was meant to make us take a look at our culture, will now end up in the Kardashians’ toilet bowl. But maybe that was their point all along? Seeing as how the golden poop pills are temporarily out of stock, you’ll have to rethink your subversive Christmas list. [Daily Mail UK]
Original by Ami Angelowicz