Thanksgiving can really suck when you’re single. I should know, I’ve flown solo to six consecutive turkey dinners. A few years ago, when I thought I was going to have my first coupled-up T-day in ages, I got dumped out-of-the-blue two days before. To add insult to injury, my parents, who had planned to spend the holiday with me in NYC, had to cancel their trip because my dad was seriously ill. I ended up sitting on a semi-stranger’s floor, heartbroken and lonely, eating turkey off a television tray. It should have been miserable, but against all odds, I ended up having a really good time.
That’s when I decided that, for me, Thanksgiving is the day that I make the best of whatever s**t sandwich life hands me. It’s when I roll glass half-full. Instead of sulking over my stuffing, I prefer to try to make the holiday (gasp!) fun. I can choose to feel like a displaced orphan, sleeping on a cot while my brother and his wife take my Serta Perfect Sleeper mattress in MY old bedroom, or I can be the footloose, fancy-free chef happily getting sauced while preparing my favorite “Recipes For Lazy People.”
After the jump, 10 reasons I’m thankful to be single (again) this turkey day.

Source: Apartment Finder
1. No Extra Drama
The only drama I have to deal with is my own family drama. And that’s enough, thank you very much. I don’t have to be worrying about coordinating hectic holiday plans with some guy or God forbid, his family.
2. Flexibility
I can decide to change my plans last minute and hop a plane to Spain, no questions asked. Actually, I wish I had thought of that sooner. Maybe I’ll check ticket prices.
3. Bountiful Booty
Two words. Holiday hookups. ‘Tis the season when all singles are looking to deck the halls. If I should choose to get some action, I shall have my pick of dudes desperate to get out of their family’s house.
4. No Fighting
There will be no fights over whose folks we spend Thanksgiving with. Mine. That was easy.
5. Zero Cleanup
Let’s say on the off chance that I wasn’t single and I invited my boo over for a holiday feast, that would be like really stressful for me. I am a lazy cook and I hate messes. Problem solved.
6. Cheesy Christmas Movies
I can watch “A Christmas Story” and “Love Actually,” my two favorite holiday movies, uninterrupted while binging on pecan pie leftovers and wearing Pajama Jeans. And I will!
7. Party-Hopping Allowed
Party-hopping works really well when you’re a party of one. I can show up at multiple Thanksgiving dinners with a bottle of wine and a pumpkin pie and be a hit.
8. No Mr. Wrongs
Nothing feels lonelier than spending a special day with someone who doesn’t truly think you’re special. I am sincerely thankful for all the wrong-for-me-guys I’m not going to be spending the holiday with.
9. My Sleeping Schedule
I can pop up out of my cot at 5 a.m. for Black Friday doorbuster sales or more likely, stay in bed all day and watch Bravo. The point is, I don’t have to deal with someone whining about me watching lady shows all day.
10. Wishbone
The wishbone is mine … all mine!!! I wish that someday I will meet someone I would be thankful to spend Thanksgiving with.
Are you spending this Thanksgiving single? Share your glass half-full thoughts in the comments.

Source: Goodnewsforpets
Original by Ami Angelowicz