Every business minded person is trying to invest in emerging markets now in hopes that profitable returns are gotten in the long run. While most European and American markets are grown and proven to be rewarding, they are fast becoming saturated hence the desire by many investors and even new entrepreneurs to enter emerging markets.
The businesses that would be covered on this list would be the ones that can be started with low capital because everyone knows that selling crude oil in anything country is profitable but how many people can really afford the capital and resources to start a crude oil business! The answer is very few people. This list is primarily for business minded people that would like to do business with low overhead then scale their business over a period of time. Without further ado, let’s explore our list.
Img source: bkwebdesigns.com1. Social Media Marketing
This business is one that you can literally start from your bedroom. There’s a lot of attention right now on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. All you have to do is a take a course on how to use these platforms to promote products for sale. The next thing is to hone your skills, do some work for free to build up your portfolio and get valuable testimonials you can then use to get your first client. From there, you can grow your business through referrals and more advertising provided you get good results from your marketing.
2. Gaming Platform
Believe it or not, having a gaming platform is fast becoming lucrative in emerging markets, especially the ones in Africa. On one part, the rise in these types of platforms could be due to the want of many African youths to get rich or cash out as they say by investing so little money. This business may be controversial to many, but platforms like this one amongst many others have steadily built their business to profitability.
3. E-Commerce
This one is rather expected. Over the years, silicon valley investors have invested massive amounts into the e-commerce scene in developing countries. Although, some of the e-commerce companies aren’t successful yet, but the investors are willing to bet on the economies of these countries blossoming over the next few years. This way, they can not just make a profit but also have bigger market shares because they decided to invest early. Now, to start this type of business, you need to have a unique e-commerce idea that you can bootstrap then convince big-time investors to help scale your business to help you become competitive in the market.
4. Graphic Design
Graphic design is a very good business you can get into with low capital. What you basically need to do is get good graphic design tools and learn the basics of graphic design. There are so many small-scale businesses being started every day in emerging markets that need the services of graphic designers to help create visual brand assets and marketing materials for them.
5. Crowd farming
From the name, you can deduce that this is a derivative of crowdfunding. Crowd farming has to do with a group of people pooling together resources to invest in farm produce on a large scale then splitting the profit based on individual contribution. This is the case with platforms like Agropartnerships and Thrive Agric just to mention a few of platforms that are taking advantage of the growing interest in Crowd farming.