The gaming industry has been revolutionized in the last few years and this has only been possible with the introduction of the professional gaming Esports industry. Passionate gamers now have a chance to display their skills to the entire world and win millions along the process. Beginner gamers, too, covet this chance when they get hooked to a professional game.
However, they lack a major factor that separates a pro gamer from a beginner – experience. Not only that, many beginners often don’t understand game mechanics correctly and end up losing to other well-experienced players. A constant losing streak can discourage a gamer from playing the game they love. After all, no one wants to be that guy who is stuck on Silver 1 from ages on CS: GO or LoL.
If you too are a beginner gamer stuck with this dilemma, then worry not because there is one solution that can resolve all these problems and improve your gameplay vastly. This solution is gaming coaching from professional gamers. Gaming coaching might be a new industry but it has already impacted thousands of gamers by improving their mechanics, reflexes, and macro gameplay.
According to Legionfarm, hiring gaming coaching for complicated and skill-intensive games like CoD: Warzone can give you the competitive edge you need over other players in your lobby. Also, gaming coaching is not limited to Warzone! Almost any popular competitive game you can imagine has gaming coaches for it. They can teach you how to use mechanics wisely, tips to improve gameplay, and get rid of bad habits that are ruining your game.
There are several benefits for hiring a gaming coach as a beginner gamer and in this article, we’ll go over them extensively so that you can make an educated decision for yourself.

Source: Inven Global
Learning new strategies
Strategies can make or break a game. If your gameplay is equipped with a versatile but definite strategy that compliments the items or heroes you are playing, you are already one step closer to being a professional. However, beginners often aren’t aware of such strategies.
With no definite plan in mind, beginners haphazardly choose their weapons, go to the wrong locations and end up dying early. This not only adversely affects your gameplay but also lowers your self-confidence a lot.
A gaming coach can combat this problem easily by teaching you professionally successful strategies that are designed to work almost every time you implement them. However, a gaming coach won’t just give you any strategy even if it’s successful right from the get-go.
Gaming coaches assess your gameplay, figure out the best playstyle for you and introduce you to strategies that complement it. When you start using these strategies on your own, you’ll realize the difference in your skill level as you mow through enemies with ease that you once had difficulty dealing with.
These strategies are the same ones that are used by professional gamers in eSports competitive tournaments. When you hire game coaches, you can be assured of learning the best game strategies out there in the professional scene.

Source: IEEE Spectrum
Improving game mechanics
So you finally found the most epic strategy for your game. Maybe it’s a new Sett build with unique runes, or maybe a good drop location and loadout in Warzone. Whatever the case may be, beginner gamers can soon find out that the strategies they learned were not useful at all! This is the first thought that comes to a beginner’s mind when they can’t execute a strategy with proper finesse.
In truth, strategies are only one part of the equation and the other is your mechanics. How good your mechanics are dictates how effectively you can put your skills and strategies to use. In multiplayer gaming, especially at higher levels, good reflexes, aim precision, and movement prediction is a must. You can learn these skills by yourself if you invest countless hours in the game – but it’s liberty many people don’t have.
Instead, a much better alternative would be to hire gaming coaching services to improve your mechanics for you. They can advise you on areas where you need improvement, show you correct pathing around the map and even tell you how to predict enemy movement. Basically, you’ll be learning game mechanics in a single session that players need hours and hours to learn. This way, you are saving your time and your resources by hiring a game coach.

Source: GG Esports
Getting used to teamwork
Multiplayer games, unlike single-player games, require the user to co-operate and play in sync with their teammates. This is easy to achieve with friends, people you know, and trust. However, things can change drastically when you go into public lobbies and play with complete strangers. In such scenarios, beginner gamers often get flustered and aren’t able to communicate properly with their team.
Bad communication, thus, leads to frustration which can easily cause you to lose the game. One of the first things a game coach ensures is that you play the game with proper communication with your team. Oftentimes, this communication doesn’t even need to be voiced to be effective. Just accurate pings and calls are enough to let your team know what you are doing and what they should be doing as well.
A game coach gives you tips on when you should lead your team when you should follow someone else’s lead, how to give proper calls and how to clutch when your entire team is relying on you. These things are easier said than done and only a professional can teach you how to do them properly in a short amount of time.

Source: The Wall Street Journal
Gaining a chance to glory
We’ll keep this one short – if you dream of becoming a pro gamer at some point in the future and have the dedication, passion, and drive for it, a gamer coach can help you realize your dreams into reality. Professional game coaches often work with major eSports organizations and if they see a budding talent in you, they’ll be more than glad to help you become one of the top players and have a chance at glory.
There are several benefits to hiring a game coach. If you as a beginner gamer are struggling to do well in your favorite game, then you should definitely consider getting yourself a game coach. We hope this article helped you and if it did, please consider following our website for regular updates as it helps us out immensely.