“When Chris Evans first took his shirt off on the set of ‘Captain America,’ I just instinctively grabbed his man boob. They kept it in the film. So we did a couple of takes of me being really inappropriate with my hand on his pec for the duration of the scene.”

Source: ew.com
—Hayley_Atwell, Chris Evans’ co-star in “Captain America” reveals to Esquire all sorts of interesting details, like that her dad is a shaman and that she thought her dog was dying when it got its first period. I particularly like this quote, even though it’s perhaps a misuse of the word “man boob.” I think that’s called “muscle.” [Esquire]

Source: Reddit
After the jump, Hayley’s explanation of why it’s hilarious she’s now considered a hot girl.
“My real self, the self I have always been from a child, is a loner and nerd, slightly overweight, with a very heavy fringe. That is who I was as a kid. I don’t think I will ever be anything other than that. It is sheer delight when I see pictures of myself now because I think: that’s not me. I was ‘Hayley Fatwell’ at school.”
Is it just me, or does she seem kind of cool? Like a smarter, funnier Megan Fox. [Huffington Post]
Original by: Kate Torgovnick