Sure, beach breaks might not be quite as popular as they once were, but there’s no doubt that a getaway in the sun is still the favored approach for holidaymakers around the world.
It’s also a holiday that can prompt a few safety concerns. Granted, this isn’t the thing you want to be reading about in the build-up to your exciting escape, but it is something that needs to taken seriously anyway.
Today’s post is all about providing a quick checklist of some of the things you need to consider if you are heading away to an exotic climate.

Source: bustle
Are you in the high-risk category?
We were almost tempted not to talk about this first point, as in truth, everyone should be taking the appropriate precautions to ensure that they are safe when the temperature rises.
However, some groups are more at risk than others. The elderly and very young fall into this category, while anyone who has an existing chronic illness should be wary as well.
The perils of heat exhaustion
It’s one of those subjects that gets covered every year, but in reality, it’s for an excellent reason. Heat exhaustion is common and can arrive with a magnitude of symptoms – many of which are extremely dangerous.
Fortunately, there are distinct ways to tackle it. Staying in shaded places is the most comfortable win, but drinking sufficient amounts of water is as well. A common mistake concerning the latter is fueling your body with beer or other forms of alcohol, which do anything but hydrate you. This is where heat exhaustion can occur, and you might have to think about tapping into your travel insurance from Staysure.

Source: Ihry Insurance
Plan your days accordingly
Sure, holidays aren’t meant to be hugely stringent affairs, and the best thing about them is meant to be the flexibility that you have within them.
However, if you find yourself dragging yourself across town every day, it’s not ideal when the temperatures are high. You’ll become exhausted, and all of the symptoms we spoke about concerning heat exhaustion suddenly become a lot more likely.
Instead, try and group activities by location. Don’t go venturing across one side of town, and then the other, as this is just going to end in tears. This is something that you might have to plan long before you visit your destination of choice, but it will make for a much more enjoyable trip.
Be extra careful with your accommodation choices
Seen an outrageously cheap deal for your accommodation? Well, if you are traveling in the peak season, one of the top tips we can recommend is to check if the hotel or apartment in question has air conditioning.
Even in today’s day and age, this isn’t something which is always the case. Particularly if you are heading off the beaten track, this is something that you should both double and triple-check long before you arrive. If you don’t, your whole vacation is going to be torturous.

Source: Gap Year
Target the cooler parts of the day
Following on from the above, only making sure that you target the cooler parts of the day can help you no-end with your battle against the heat. Generally speaking, the middle of the day is the hottest part and the part where you are most at risk. If you are planning to be outdoors, try and plan activities for the morning or after 3 pm. It’s here where the sun starts to die down somewhat.
Take advantage of siestas
Granted, not every country is down with naps, but even if you’re not visiting somewhere who has this culture ingrained in them, it’s something you can attempt.
We’ve just talked about staying out of the heat at the right hours, and a siesta allows you to do this. Furthermore, if you are in a country that buys into this philosophy, you’ll find that all of the locals are doing it as well. It means that you’re not going to lose out, as most things are closed anyway.

Source: Business Insider
It’s not just about the heat
This next point is going to depend on where in the world you are traveling mainly. We’re talking about the risks of bugs and other animals that seem to come out during the warmer months. Admittedly, if you are hitting the Costa del Sol, this is unlikely to say the least. You do have to be aware in other areas of the world, though, even if it’s as simple as guarding yourself against mosquito bites.
The advice that you’ve all been waiting for: Sunscreen
Let’s move on to some information that’s so simple it probably shouldn’t even be covered. Unfortunately, a lot of us ignore safe practices when it comes to sunscreen, mainly so we can boost the chances of that elusive bronzing tan.
Well, it needs to be done. We don’t need to remind you about all of the risks that the sun carries, and sunscreen will help to guard against these. Even if you wake up and the day seems to be clouded over, remember that the sun’s rays are far more powerful than you could ever imagine, and it will pierce through these clouds and impact your skin.

Source: Medical News Today
Always check ahead
Sure, you might think you are heading to a hot climate, but in reality, the weather is doing something different. In short, there’s never an excuse not to look at the weather forecast. Quite often, a lot of countries that experience ridiculous levels of heat also have very turbulent conditions. One day it might be blistering hot, while the next, there can be torrential downpours.
This is crucial to understand from a packing perspective. The last thing you need is to be prepared for these hot temperatures, only to arrive at your destination of choice and see that you have absolutely nothing suitable to wear for the weather that is awaiting you.