My big sister Allison egregiously aids and abets my panda obsession. She is the one responsible for almost all my panda crap, most of which sits on the bookshelf above my desk at work: panda mug, panda PEZ dispenser, panda eraser, twin panda Christmas ornaments, a panda figurine, and a panda T-shirt. Now, I have a new panda knickknack I covet: a micro crochet mohair panda. You read that right! This made-to-order panda cutie measures in at 0.8 inches, making him smaller than the pad of your finger. What the shit do I need a micro crochet mohair panda for? Especially one retailing for a cool $78? Who the fuck cares! Allison, my birthday is coming up. [Etsy]
Original by Jessica Wakeman