There are plenty of freak cases that you might have come across online about people with contact lenses who developed fatal eye infections or worse. These distressing situations are extremely rare because with proper maintenance and upkeep, your contact lenses should serve you just fine.
Your ophthalmologist will definitely stress on these points but in case you forget, here is a comprehensive list of things you should take care when wearing contact lenses.

1.Wash your hands when handling your contacts
You must wash your hands thoroughly before you place your contacts in your eye and when you wish to remove them. Doing so eliminates the risk of infections, irritations and foreign particles that can make you very uncomfortable.
Do not use scented soap. Use a mild soap and clean water and then completely dry your hands on a lint-free towel or tissue paper. It is important that you only use a lint-free towel to minimize the chances of micro lint fibers from going into your eye.
2. Don’t go to bed wearing your lenses
No matter how exhausted you are, do not go to bed wearing your contacts unless they are designed for sleeping. Most doctors will tell you that even if you wear the contacts designed for sleeping, it is still recommended to take them out before bed.
Wearing your lenses to bed can cause a whole lot of problems. For one, your lenses might get stuck to your eye. Wearing them overnight can also dry out your eyes which can lead to blurred vision, irritations or even infections. It is even riskier if you go to bed wearing makeup and your lenses.
Make it a habit to either switch to glasses at night or take your lenses out before bed without fail.

3. Don’t over wear your lenses
Don’t wear your lenses for extended periods of time. This can dry out your eyes and make it very uncomfortable. If you wear weekly or monthly lenses, be sure to abide by the expiry dates to prevent any and all adverse reactions. Set up reminders in your phone to throw out your lenses.
4. Use lens cleaning solutions correctly
There are different products out there to rinse, disinfect, store and re-wet your lenses. Make sure to either purchase all of these or buy a multi-purpose solution that can take care of all your needs. You still might need to buy a rewetting solution separately in case your lenses get stuck.
Without cleaning and storing your lenses correctly, you can run into all sorts of eye problems including infections, irritations, blurred vision, etc.

5. Replace your contact lens case
It isn’t important to just follow proper maintenance for your contact lenses, it is also important to replace your contacts lens case every 3 months. It is recommended that you throw out your lens case to prevent any sorts of infections. The lens case can also collect bacteria over time which is why it is important to keep replacing it.
The same instructions also apply to colored lenses. If you’re in the market for colored lenses, make sure to check out the bella elite lens brand. These lenses come in a range of impressive colors that look natural and allow you to experiment with your looks. If you have a question in mind “Where can I find colored lens, fret no more. You don’t need to go to retail offline stores any more, best of the contact lens brands are available online on sites like Soukare.