Running a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. From having to slim down to maintaining your form, weight loss and weight management are very integral for a healthy lifestyle. But there are many ways to essentially lose weight if you consider yourself fat or overweight.
To slim down, you need dedication and hard work with exercise and diet. But there is another way to do it, by using fat burners. Fat burners are essentially pills made from organic ingredients that promote weight loss. They can also come across different names such as weight loss pills, appetite suppressants, and many more. These pills can make you slimmer and help you trim down that beer belly, but don’t expect results immediately.
These pills can certainly help you, but they aren’t the be-all and end-all when it comes to weight loss. Diet is very much the most important thing when trying to lose weight, while fat burners can certainly hasten the process.
What is Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure?
Your total daily energy expenditure, or TDEE, is a measurement that can determine how many calories you burn per day. The calculation takes into account certain factors such as age, gender, height, weight, to give you an estimate of your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR). The best way to notice any changes to your daily energy expenditure is to do physical activities.
Your BMR is a measurement of how many calories your body needs on a daily bases to sustain itself. Your BMR doesn’t take into consideration any physical activities that you’re doing.
Popular Fat Burners
Now, let’ take a look at some of the most popular fat burners out there. The fat burners that we’ll be discussing are actually ingredients that can be found in every weight loss pill.
1. Green Tea Extract
A very popular ingredient that can be found in literary every fat burner, green tea EGCG (a unique plant compound) that forces your body to burn more from the stored fat than other compounds in your body. It forces your body to utilize glucose while also decreases fat synthesis.
Another compound that green tea contains is an antioxidant called catechin. Catechin has multiple uses for our bodies. Being an antioxidant, it is responsible for boosting your metabolism, as well as to move fat stores. But catechin is also responsible for disabling an enzyme that essentially attacks your adrenaline and noradrenalin; this is the primary reason as to why it can move fat stores and boost your metabolism.
These two green tea extracts are very popular for fat burners because not only do higher adrenaline and noradrenalin mean higher body temperature, but it also means that your body heats more and uses fat as the primary fuel.
2. Caffeine
We mostly use caffeine to keep us awake. Caffeine is used in coffee, energy drinks, and a host of other beverages that effectively keep our eyes open when they should be. But caffeine has had a bad reputation because it also creates bad habits, and caffeine isn’t the healthiest of ingredients eighter. However, caffeine is a produced good, not the pure form. The pure form of caffeine is called caffeine anhydrous, and it is an effective ingredient used for fat burners and slimming pills.
With all that said, caffeine does the job of weight loss in more than one way. First off, caffeine is a natural ingredient that boosts your metabolism, subsequently forcing you to burn fat and become hungry. Caffeine can burn as much as 150 kcal per day, which is a lot for drinking a cup of coffee.
When we drink coffee, we get an energy boost that keeps us more active instead of lazy. This, on itself, makes us burn more calories as we are more active.
And lastly, caffeine is very popular before you start your exercise as it decreases the rate at which glucose is metabolized during workouts. What this essentially means is that your body will get a natural boost and tire much slower.
We mentioned that caffeine is also a popular ingredient for weight loss pills, fat burners, and slimming pills. But not every far burner will work for you, so that’s why we have this article from to give you a full guide on fat burners.
3. Forskolin
Forskolin is an extract from a mint plant that is getting very popular nowadays. The plant itself isn’t native to the North or South America, Europe or even Africa, and is native only to Thailand and India. This makes forskolin a highly sought-after extract that your body has multiple uses of. First, it significantly decreases fat stores in your body by also increasing muscle mass; something that multiple studies have already confirmed.
Secondly, forskolin has been found to increase testosterone and bone mass levels in men, and this is very important since both can overly contribute towards maintaining muscle mass, increasing how many calories your body burns, and also makes you more active. If you want to read more about fat burners and how they work check out
4. 5-HTP
The main job of 5-HTP is to promote higher serotonin levels in your body. This is majorly important as the higher serotonin levels, the more weight loss you will experience. Let us break it down to you what 5-HTP also does. 5-HTP has been studied and people who took it experienced fewer food cravings. This is very beneficial for a person as the more he craves for food, the more he will eat. It is something that naturally comes to every person, and every person has different food cravings.
In a breakthrough study done by the International Journal of Obesity, the results showed that 5-HTP can help with your slimming plan a lot. Namely, the study tested 27 obese women in which half of them were given 5-HTP and the other half thought they were given 5-HTP. As a matter of fact, the other half of the group was given a placebo, a fake. The study followed the women for 8 weeks and the results showed that those who took 5-HTP had significant changes with their metabolism that resulted in bigger weight loss.