Stick the word “project” on the end of the name of something, and all the sudden it has more gravitas. I suppose that might have been the intention of the inventors of The Black Tape Project, but who knows? What is pretty obvious: TBTP is pretty much a bunch of naked women wearing strategically placed electrical tape, which is either hot or painful, depending on your perspective.
To get a sense of what sort of “thing” this is, let’s just pull out some key words from the description on their website.
“Feast your eyes on the new artistic movement taking the globe by storm. Introducing The Black Tape Project, where artistic design meets sensual art literally created before the public eye with just a roll of electrical tape. Now touring the globe, The Black Tape Project originates from the Magic City of Miami, where you can find the most exotic people, lifestyle and night life. Be one of the first to be a part of this innovative and exclusive extravaganza!”
So far as I can tell, you can hire a passel of these girls to writhe around on stage for your next up in the clurb blowout, though you should probably check out your state’s public nudity laws before doing so.
But what you’re really wondering is, what do women wearing only black tape look like? Click through for vaguely NSFW images…

Source: The Frisky
Just looking at that taped up crotch makes my vagina hurt. And oh! Here’s a video of how the extravaganza all comes together.
Original by Julie Gerstein